Association for family research in East and West Prussia

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The Association for Family Research in East and West Prussia e. V. (VFFOW) was founded on November 19, 1925 in Königsberg and, after being expelled as a result of the Second World War, has been rebuilt in Hamburg since 1953, where it is now based. He has been a member of the umbrella organization of the German Working Group on Genealogical Associations (DAGV) since it was founded and with around 1000 members is one of the most active genealogical associations.

Research area

The research area includes the provinces of East and West Prussia (Old Prussia) established on April 1, 1878, within the boundaries between the Congress of Vienna and the Treaty of Versailles . The districts Kreis Deutsch Krone , Flatow and Schlochau , Danzig , the Polish corridor , the Soldau area and the Memelland are therefore included, but not the Netzedistrikt with Bromberg .

The aim of the association is, according to the unchanged foreword to the first issue of the association magazine from 1927, from all districts and cities of Old Prussia ... (to) give information about the origin and spread, about the development and decay of its families from all professional groups and classes, from old and new times .

The purpose of the association is to maintain interest in the family and population history of East and West Prussia, to support its members in researching the history and origins of families from East and West Prussia, the existence and whereabouts of the family history sources that are still available to be recorded and to be secured through own publications as well as to be a collection point for family research. The main focus of the association's activities is on a broad range of publications, through which it makes available archival sources on the settlement, local, cultural and educational history, especially in the East Prussian area of ​​a research community.

In pursuit of these endeavors, the association maintains connections with the "Historical Commission for East and West Prussian State Research" and with many other institutions that are committed to local and regional studies. There is close cooperation with 70 scientific institutions, historical and family history associations or societies in Germany and abroad as well as with country teams and home district associations of the displaced.


  • "Old Prussian Gender Studies" magazine, 1927–1943 (reprinted in 1988)
  • Journal “Old Prussian Gender Studies. New Series ”, since 1953, since 1981 as a yearbook.
  • Series "Old Prussian Gender Studies. Family archive "since 1956.
  • "Special Fonts" series, since 1961
  • "Sources, materials and collections for old Prussian family research" since 1977
  • Caspar Stein: The old Königsberg. A detailed description of the three cities of Königsberg including their suburbs and freedoms as they were in 1644 . In: Special publications of the Association for Family Research in East and West Prussia . No. 91 . Association for Family Research in East and West Prussia, Hamburg 1998, ISBN 3-931577-14-7 .

Library and archive

The library and archive are located in the "Institute for the Culture and History of Germans in Northeast Europe" in Lüneburg.

Web links