Association of Nurses in Bavaria

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The Association of Nurses in Bavaria (VdPB), as a corporation under public law, represents the interests and self-governing body of professional carers in Bavaria . The VdPB represents the interests of nursing professionals and nursing assistants who work in Bavaria's hospitals, retirement and nursing homes and outpatient services. The VdPB sits in committees relevant to the care provision in Bavaria and helps shape the present and future of the care professions. As a corporation under public law, it also takes on legal tasks on the basis of the Nursing Association Act (BayPfleVG). Legal supervision is the responsibility of the Bavarian State Ministry for Health and Care .


The BayPfleVG provides for the following tasks for the Association of Nurses in Bavaria:

  1. To represent, promote and strengthen the interests of members of the nursing professions.
  2. To promote further training for members of the nursing professions and to develop further training offers.
  3. To develop and update quality guidelines for care based on the state of the art.
  4. Carry out surveys on the labor demand in nursing and the work situation of members of the nursing professions.
  5. To submit reports to courts and authorities on request or to appoint suitable experts.
  6. To enforce statutory ordinances according to Art. 34 Para. 3 Clause 1 No. 1 Letter a of the Health Services and Consumer Protection Act, which affect professionals in health care and nursing, health care and child care or care for the elderly.
  7. To advise your members in professional law, professional ethics and technical matters and
  8. participate in public health care.

The Bavarian State Ministry for Health and Care is empowered to determine further tasks by ordinance.

The authorities should, in matters relating to the area of ​​care,

  1. provide information to the Association of Nurses in Bavaria on request, unless there are business reasons to the contrary, and
  2. hear the Association of Nurses in Bavaria at an early stage.

The Association of Nurses in Bavaria should also work together trustingly with institutions and associations in the field of care. For this purpose, it can in particular participate in associations under private or public law, participate in such or form such.

Organs of the VdPB

  • Assembly of members or delegates
  • The board of directors consists of a president, two vice-presidents and eight other members


The establishment of the VdPB was preceded by many years of discussion about the right way to represent professional nursing professionals. Various professional associations and other organizations had repeatedly called for a so-called care chamber with compulsory membership to be set up in Bavaria. When no political majorities could be found for this, the Bavarian State Government decided to commission a representative survey with the aim of recording the attitude of Bavarian nurses towards a union of their profession, including the corresponding membership fees.

The results of this survey showed that only half of all nursing professionals basically agreed to the establishment of a nursing chamber. In contrast, there were 52 percent of those surveyed who refused to make a compulsory contribution to a care chamber.

With the results of the survey, Bavaria's Minister of Health and Care, Melanie Huml , finally justified her idea of ​​a contribution-free representation of the interests of the care professions on the basis of voluntary membership. On April 24, 2017, the Nursing Association Act was passed by the Bavarian State Parliament with a broad, cross-party parliamentary majority . On the basis of this law, professional carers in Bavaria can become members voluntarily and free of charge. On October 24, 2017, the founding committee of the Association of Nurses in Bavaria began its work and elected a founding board as the first official act.

The founding board of the VdPB drew up a main statute and opened an office in Oberschleißheim , which was able to start work shortly afterwards. Managing director was founding board member Michael Wittmann. The Presidium and Board of Directors worked out election and compensation regulations and dealt with detailed organizational issues. At the same time, the administration and the external presentation were further developed. The first members were accepted at the end of 2018.

The first regular general meeting took place in April 2019. Founding president Georg Sigl-Lehner was confirmed in the office of president by the general assembly, Agnes Kolbeck and Sonja Voss were confirmed as vice-presidents. The assembly also elected the eight-member executive committee from among its members and adopted the statutes as well as the election and compensation regulations.


Membership in the VdPB is voluntary and free of charge for professional carers. Members of the nursing professions who practice a nursing profession in Bavaria or who have their main residence in Bavaria without practicing the profession can become members. In addition, professional associations and unions that represent the professional interests of a significant number of members of the care professions in Bavaria and have their headquarters in Bavaria can also apply for membership in the VdPB. According to BayPfleVG, members of the nursing professions are nursing professionals with at least three years of training and a license to use the professional title in the field of healthcare and nursing, healthcare and children's nursing or care for the elderly and nursing assistants with at least one year of training.


The establishment of the VdPB was accompanied by severe criticism. This was sparked primarily by the voluntary membership and the exemption from contributions. Without compulsory membership, a legitimate mandate to regulate professional affairs cannot be assumed and valid statements on the number and qualifications of nurses are also not possible. In addition, an organization financed from tax revenues is not independent and depends on the goodwill of the respective state government.

The participants in the constituent meeting of the Nursing Chamber Conference for the establishment of a Federal Nursing Chamber established criteria for admission to a Federal Nursing Chamber, which primarily include funding through the collection of membership fees and compulsory membership for nursing professionals. As a result, the Nursing Chamber Conference also explicitly positioned itself as a critic of the VdPB.

Web links

VdPB website:

Individual evidence

  8. Werden