Traffic volume

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Traffic volume is a term from traffic theory ( communications engineering ) and traffic science .

Traffic theory

Traffic balance in communication theory

If one observes a channel bundle , one finds that occupancies c alternate with occupancy times of different lengths and pause times of different lengths. The addition of all occupancy times of the channel bundle observed is the traffic volume Y. The mean occupancy time then results in .

The traffic volume Y is the product of the number of occupancies c and the mean occupancy duration .

The unit of traffic volume is the Erlang hour (Erlh).

Traffic volumes are determined in connection with the dimensioning of telecommunications systems or system parts. The market value is calculated from this.

Transportation science

In traffic science, a number of objects (" traffic elements ") (VE) that change location are referred to as traffic volume (VM ) .

These objects can be technical units such as vehicles, aircraft or ships, but also people or quantities of goods . If one specifically refers to the last two traffic volumes, one speaks of traffic volume .

The traffic work (VA) ( with s = distance ), the traffic volume (VS) ( with t = time ) and the traffic performance (VL) ( ) are derived from the traffic volume .

Individual evidence

  1. Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon: "Traffic volume"