Publisher Inspiration Un Limited

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The publisher inspiration Un Limited is a 2007 established publisher with de jure -Hauptsitz in London and a branch in Berlin-Charlottenburg . It is organized as a private company limited by shares under British law . The publicist Konrad Badenheuer , who became sole owner in 2011 , acts as managing director . Until 2012 the publisher was still based in Hamburg .

The book publisher sees itself as “ value conservative and original”. The program focuses on historical-political works. The authors and editors include Menno Aden , Konrad Badenheuer, Wolfram Euler , Hubertus Hoffmann , Rudolf Jansche , Konrad Löw , Imbi Paju , Harald Seubert and Alfred de Zayas . Books have so far been published in German and English .

In 2009 the publisher was represented at the Frankfurt Book Fair .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Announcements of October 19, 2012