Research institute for grain processing

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Research institute of the Association of German Millers in 1910 in Seestrasse
The grain trial storage facility on the Berlin-Spandauer-Schifffahrtskanal

The Experimental Institute for Grain Processing was an organization in Berlin that was founded in 1907 by the association of the "Experimental Institute of the Association of German Millers" with its headquarters at Seestrasse 11 and the state grain experimental store on the Berlin-Spandau shipping canal .


Until 1934, the research institute for grain processing was under the direction of Max Paul Neumann , his successor was Karl Mohs . In 1942 the research institute was renamed “Reichsanstalt für Greideverarbeitung” and Paul Friedrich Pelshenke took over the management.

In 1945 many facilities were dismantled and the Reichsanstalt was taken over by the Magistrate of Greater Berlin. In 1946 the institution in Berlin was taken over by the German Economic Commission . The successor in the GDR was the "Institute for Grain Processing " in Bergholz-Rehbrücke , which was privatized in 1993 and now operates as "IGV GmbH".

The facilities in the Seestrasse and on the Berlin-Spandauer-Schifffahrtskanal that remained in West Berlin were taken over in 1951 by the Berlin Senate as the " Research Institute for Grain Utilization ".

In 1957 the Research Institute for Grain Utilization , Seestrasse 11, and the Research Institute for Starch Production of the Institute for Fermentation Industry , Seestrasse 12, were taken over by the Federal Government and organizationally merged with the Federal Research Institute in Detmold. As early as 1943, alternative points had been established in Rahden / Westphalia and in Bielefeld. The successor in the western zones was the Federal Institute for Grain, Potato and Fat Research in Detmold, which is now part of the Max Rubner Institute .

New building of the Robert Koch Institute at Seestraße 11, on the left the "Lübeck Gate" of the Institute for Fermentation Industry

In 1974/1975 the Berlin location was finally given up and subsequently served the Institute for Food Technology - Grain Technology of the TU Berlin . The building complex at Seestrasse 11 was demolished in June 2008 for a new building for the Robert Koch Institute .


In Austria there is also a research institute for grain processing , which is a section of the Austrian Mill Association.


  • Paul Friedrich Pelshenke: The history of the German grain research. Granum-Verlag, Detmold 1958.
  • JF Hoffmann: The experimental grain house and its scientific work. A collection of essays and lectures. Paul Parey : Berlin 1904.

Web links

  • History of the Federal Institute for Grain, Potato and Fat Research

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ralf Schmiedecke: Forays through Berlin-Wedding . Sutton Verlag, 2008, ISBN 978-3-86680-419-7 , pp. 40 ( ).
  3. ^ Grain, flour and bread. Bäcker-Verlag: Bochum 1982, p. 285
  4. ^ Website of the Research Institute for Grain Processing.