Victor Rebengiuc

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Victor Rebengiuc

Victor Rebengiuc (born February 10, 1933 in Bucharest ) is a Romanian actor .

life and career

Rebengiuc has been a member of the Bulandra Theater since 1957 , he has appeared in more than 200 roles on stage alone. He had his breakthrough in Liviu Ciulei's film Forest of the Hanged ( Romanian Pădurea spânzuraților ), which made him an important figure in Romanian film. Rebengiuc is best known for his appearance (1986) in Stere Gulea's Moromeţii .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1956: Mîndrie
  • 1960: Furtuna
  • 1961: A fost prietenul meu
  • 1961: The stranger on the coast (Poveste sentimentală)
  • 1963: The sea cat (Pisica de mare)
  • 1978: The man in the loden coat (Un om în loden)
  • 2015: Aferim!

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