Victor of Damascus

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Saint Victor of Damascus , also Victor of Siena or Victor of Egypt or Bûqtûr , († 177, according to other data 160, in Alexandria (?)) Was a Roman soldier who is venerated as a Christian martyr of the first persecution of Christians under Marcus Aurelius .


According to legend, the Roman soldier Victor was tortured and beheaded under a judge named Sebastian in Egypt, Syria or Damascus. The 16-year-old Corona , wife of a fellow soldier (according to other versions of the legend, Victor's wife) nursed and encouraged him, and was subsequently also executed. According to other versions of the legend, they were tied between two bent palm trees and torn. Then two crowns fell from the sky.


Victor's feast day is May 14th (Catholic) and November 11th (Orthodox). Victor is one of the city patrons of Siena .

See also


Web links

Commons : Victor of Damascus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files