Victoria Eugenia

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Victoria Eugenia (born March 21, 1933 in Madrid ), actually Benita Jabato Muñoz , also known as Betty , is a Spanish flamenco dancer and choreographer .


Victoria Eugenia studied at the Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático y Danza in Madrid. In 1948 she graduated from there with distinction. She then deepened her knowledge and skills at the Madrid Academía Karen Taft .

1953 she joined the company of Antonio Ruiz Soler a. She stayed there for 5 years. During this time she danced to choreographies by Antonio Ruiz Soler, for example Alegro de Concierto , Viva Navarra or Sonatas based on Antonio Soler . After leaving the company, she turned to choreography and created a number of choreographic works.

In 1980 she joined the Ballet Nacional de España as a ballet master . From 1993 to 1997 she was its director together with Nana Lorca and Aurora Pons .

Choreographies (selection)

Before the time in the Ballet Nacional

As a ballet master in the Ballet Nacional

As director of the Ballet Nacional

  • La Oración del Torero after Joaquín Turina , 1994
  • A mi Aire after Enrique Granados, 1994
  • Goyescas after Enrique Granados, 1996


  • 2013: Gold Medal of Merit for the Fine Arts.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Victoria Eugenia. Dance, flamenco. Biography and works. In: Spain is Culture. Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, accessed on November 21, 2019 .
  2. a b José Luis Navarro García: Historia del Baile Flamenco . Volume III. Signatura Ediciones de Andalucía, Sevilla 2010, ISBN 978-84-96210-72-1 , p. 191 .
  3. a b c Victoria Eugenia 'Betty'. In: Retrieved November 21, 2019 (Spanish).