Four-striped slim cichlid

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Four-striped slim cichlid
Julidochromis regani.jpg

Four-striped slender cichlid ( Julidochromis regani )

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Lamprologini
Genre : Julidochromis
Type : Four-striped slim cichlid
Scientific name
Julidochromis regani
Poll , 1942

The four-striped slim cichlid ( Julidochromis regani ), also known as Regan's slim cichlid, is an African species of cichlid and belongs to the genus Julidochromis . Since the species of this genus are relatively uniform in behavior, appearance and posture requirements, only the particularities of this species are discussed here. General information can be found in the article on the genus.


While the other Julidochromis species only have three (more or less pronounced) horizontal stripes, the four-stripe slim cichlid has four horizontal, black to dark brown stripes. The lowest of these stripes is not quite as clearly defined as the rest and can hardly or not at all in young fish. The white stripe on the cheeks of J. regani can show a whitish-blue shimmer, depending on the mood. On the fins (except for the pectoral fins), some color variants have a light blue shimmering hem.

However, there are also some color variants (e.g. J. regani kipili ) which at first glance appear to have only three horizontal stripes and thus look very similar to the yellow slim cichlid ( J. ornatus ). Here the fourth stripe is only found on the cheek of the fish, which means that these subspecies can also be distinguished from J. ornatus . Depending on the color variant, the fish are only colored yellow on the back, on the back and stomach or on the whole body.

J. regani grows up to 13 cm. Some sizes of up to 30 cm to be found are simply wrong and can only be explained with a number rotator (thirty instead of thirteen).


Young fish (approx. 6 mm) with egg
Young fish (approx. 6 mm and 2 cm)

Four-striped slender cichlids live together in pairs. The female attaches many, sometimes over 200, eggs to the wall of a cave or crevice. The eggs have a relatively hard shell and are oval and cream-colored with a diameter of just under two millimeters. J. regani operates floor breeding, so several generations of young fish live with their parents. Older fry do not behave aggressively towards their siblings, some of which are much smaller.

The juvenile fish initially stay in the immediate vicinity of the cave, but with increasing size they expand their radius of action. If many older siblings convey a greater feeling of security, however, fry a few millimeters in size also swim through the parents' entire territory.

Very small juvenile fish (less than 1 cm) differ significantly in their drawing from the half-grown and adult animals. The fourth stripe is not yet visible on them. Instead, they show vertical stripes, so that one could mistake them for descendants of Julidochromis marlieri .

If the young fish are not to be bred to a large extent, they do not have to be specifically fed or otherwise cared for. You will find sufficient food in a well-established aquarium and will be protected by the parents.

Web links

Commons : Four Stripe Slim Cichlid  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files