Forty Hadith (an-Nawawī)

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 40 hadiths of Imam Nawawi
Forty hadiths of Imam Nawawi

The Forty Hadiths or 40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi (Arabic: al-arbaʿīn al-nawawiyyah ) are a collection of 42 hadiths , the majority of which come from the two canonical narrators Muslim Hajajaj and Bukhari . Due to its holistic nature, which covers large parts of Islam , the collection is very popular. It was the particular aim of the author to choose only those hadiths that cover a fundamental aspect of religion ( qāʿida ʿaẓīma ). The frequent recourse to Muslim and Bukhari is explained by the fact that the two authors only record ṣaḥīḥ or reliable hadiths.


Individual evidence

  1. Nawawī, Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī Ibn Daqīq al-ʻĪd: The Book of Forty Hadith . Verlag der Welteligionen, 2007, ISBN 978-3-458-70006-7 .
  2. Imam An-Nawawi: Forty Hadith (Pdf 107KB). Mohammed Amin Labchara, accessed July 10, 2016 .
  3. Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo: Commentary on the Forty Hadith of Al-Nawawi, Volume 1 . Al-Basheer Company for Publications & Translations, 1999, ISBN 978-1-891540-04-2 .