Vilma Illing

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Vilma Illing (born June 26, 1871 in Villach ; † January 21, 1903 in Berlin ) was an Austrian theater actress .


Illing, the daughter of a pharmacist, came to Vienna at the age of twelve. During her school days, after which she attended a business school, she received piano lessons. In 1888, however, she had to break it off for family reasons. As she was enthusiastic about the stage, she began her theater career in Baden near Vienna in 1891. Without any preliminary studies, without a role model and without any further help, she struggled through the comedian wandering life for a while. She played in Abazzia, Marburg, Bielitz, Reichenberg and Mainz. From 1896 to 1902 she then worked in Breslau. In 1902 she went to Berlin to play at the Lessing Theater, but was then forced to retire from the stage due to an illness. She died when she was only 31 years old.
