Vincent Delacour

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Vincent-Conrad-Félix Delacour (born March 25, 1808 in Paris , † March 28, 1840 there ) was a French composer.

From 1822 Delacour studied harp with François Naderman and harmony with Victor Dourlen at the Paris Conservatory, and later counterpoint with François-Joseph Fétis . In 1827 Delacour interrupted his studies at the Conservatory to travel to Italy and later to Germany, where he became a harpist at the Royal Theater in Berlin.

After returning to Paris, he studied composition at the Conservatory from 1833 with Henri Montan Berton . In 1835 he took part in the competition for the Prix ​​de Rome and won the First Second Grand Prix with the cantata Achille .

Together with Charles Chaulieu , Delacour published the magazine Le Pianiste, journal spécial, analytique et instructif , later Journal spécial pour le piano, les théâtres lyriques et les concerts . In addition to a number of romances, a three-part O Salutaris and an Ave Verum for four voices and organ are known by him.