Vivo de Zamenhof

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Vivo de Zamenhof (Esperanto for " Life of Zamenhof ") is a biography about Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof , the founder of the international language Esperanto , which the Swiss Edmond Privat conceived and wrote in Esperanto. In 1920 it appeared for the first time with 208 pages; a second, 109-page edition followed in 1923.

The titles of the chapters are:

This biography was also published in English in 1931 and in Dutch in 1934. Further editions in Esperanto followed. Among other things, the UEA publishing house published a version supplemented by the German historian Ulrich Lins with sources, an updated bibliography and other material.

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  1. Actually: followers of the " doctrine of mankind" " Homarismo "