Vocabolari molt profitos per apendre Lo Catalan Alamany y Lo Alamany Catalan

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Cover picture of "Vocabulari molt profitos per apendre Lo Catalan Alamany y Lo Alamany Catalan" by J. Rosembach (Perpignan, 1502)

Vocabolari molt profitos per apendre Lo Catalan Alamany y Lo Alamany Catalan (“A very useful dictionary, whereby Catalans can learn German and Germans Catalan”) was published in Perpignan in 1502 by the printer Joan Rosembach .


The title makes it clear that it is a dictionary with Catalan-German and German-Catalan equivalents. The book is divided into thematic chapters and aims at learning and, above all, the practical application of these languages. It was intended for artisans, members of the guilds and in general for everyone who, for whatever reason, lived and worked in both German and Catalan culture in the Catalan countries or in Germany.


The book has the following chapters:

  • 1. Of God and the Trinity and power and wealth.
  • 2. Of the saints and their names.
  • 3. Of the Lord's Prayer and the Avemaria.
  • 4. About the devil and hell and purgatory.
  • 5. From the years and months and weeks and days.
  • 6. Of all internal and external parts of man.
  • 7. From emperors and lords.
  • 8. Of Empress and Noblewomen.
  • 9. Of prostitutes.
  • 10. From father and mother and *** and relatives.
  • 11. From Weddings and All States.
  • 12. From cities and from court.
  • 13. Of numbers.
  • 14. Of gold and silver and all things that are melted.
  • 15. Of all kinds of spices and goods for the farm.
  • 16. Of groceries and merchandise.
  • 17. By merchants and craftsmen.
  • 18. Of colors.
  • 19. Of household items.
  • 20. Of houses.
  • 21. Of bread and wine and all things to eat.
  • 22. Of all tools.
  • 23. Of noble stone.
  • 24. Of weapons and armourers.
  • 25. Of villages and farmers.
  • 26. Of gardens and their fruits.
  • 27. Of forests and all wild things.
  • 28. Of the animals.
    Adapted reproduction of a page from the "Vocabulari molt profitos per apendre Lo Catalan Alamany y Lo Alamany Catalan" by J. Rosembach (1502)
  • 29. Of ants and worms and cattle.
  • 30. Of birds and their families.
  • 31. Of the fish and their families.
  • 32. Of the ships and galleries.
  • 33. Of air and wind.
  • 34. Of mountains and valleys.
  • 35. Of the countries.
  • 36. Of cities and castles.
  • 37. Of Christianity and unbelievers.
  • 38. Of quarrels and wars and gamblers.
  • 39. Of all kinds of string games.
  • 40. Of illness.
  • 41. Of the Church and what belongs to her.
  • 42. Of the seven deadly sins.
  • 43. Of the five senses.
  • 44. Of the six works of mercy.
  • 45. Of the ten commandments.
  • 46. Of school and studies.
  • 47. Of the spiritual offices.
  • 48. Of water and moisture.
  • 49. Of fire and heat.
  • 50. Of obedience.
  • 51. Of fools and fools.
  • 52. From the palace.
  • 53. From the cellar and what belongs to it.
  • 54. About the room and what it belongs to.
  • 55. About the Chamber and what it belongs to.
  • 56. From the grain house and all kinds of grain .

This is followed by a second book that contains speech and words according to its course (the words do not always have a relation to the chapter heading):

  • 1. From words or from speech.
  • 2. Of messages.
  • 3. Of joy and sorrow.
  • 4. Of proverbs.
  • 5. Hope.
  • 6. Requests.
  • 7. About the cook and his art.
  • 8. About sleeping and dreaming and other nice things.

It ends with a section in which all sorts of things are still missing in the book and have not been written.

In the colophon it is noted " This vocabulary was printed in the noble city of Perpignan by master Hansen Rosenbach in the year MD and ii ".

Context and origin

When the Rosembach Vocabulari appeared, the publication of bilingual or multilingual dictionaries in modern European languages ​​in the 15th and early 16th centuries was not uncommon. As early as 1480, the English printer William Caxton published a dictionary in the form of a dialogue in French and English.

Previously, the German typographer Adam de Rottweil had published an Italian-German vocabulary called Introito e porta in Venice in 1477 . This dictionary had several editions and later versions, usually called " Utilissimus vocabulista ", in which the material was reused and Italian was replaced by other languages ​​such as Latin, French or Spanish.

One of the editions of Introito e porta served as the source for the very useful Rosembach dictionary . The Italian text has been replaced by Catalan, with its equivalences in German and the chapters already mentioned being retained. For this reason and in line with its didactic aim, the book was published anonymously in Catalan.


Reproduction of the printer's mark of "Vocabulari molt profitos per apendre Lo Catalan Alamany y Lo Alamany Catalan" by J. Rosembach (1502)

A single copy of this work is known, which is kept in the Biblioteca de Catalunya . It was acquired in 1908 as part of the Marià Aguiló collection.

It is a post incunable and is a 72-page volume in octave format . The text consists of two columns with 23 lines and is printed in Gothic script . A framed woodcut showing two human figures is printed under the title on the cover sheet. The left hand is holding a guitar with a ribbon marked Spanyol protruding from it. The other carries a lance and a ribbon with the inscription Lancaman ('Lanzenmann') blows from its belt . The printer's mark is under the colophon . The book is included in the catalogs Aguiló (No. 2058), Martín Abad, Postincunables (No. 1540), Norton (No. 449) and Palau (No. 372352).

This volume was part of the Biblioteca Columbina of Seville. Ferran Colom bought it in Lleida in 1512 for 20 maravedís .



  • Vocabulari català-alemany, de l'any 1502. Edició facsímil segons l'únic exemplar conegut acompanyada de la transcripció, d'un estudi preliminar i de registres alfabètics, per Pere Barnils , Barcelona, ​​Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Biblioteca filològica de l 'Institut de la Llengua Catalana, 7), 1916.
  • El vocabulari català-alemany de 1502 : Vocabolari molt profitos per apendre Lo Catalan Alamany y Lo Alamany Catalan, Germà Colón
  • Vocabulari català-alemany de l'any 1502 - Catalan-German vocabulary from 1502: Reprint of the facsimile edition from 1916 provided by Pere Barnils; edited and provided with a foreword by Tilbert Dídac Stegmann, Frankfurt am Main, Domus Editoria Europaea, 1991 [reproduction of the edition by P. Barnils (1916) with foreword and updated bibliography].
  • Vocabulari català-alemany imprès a Perpinyà per Joan Rosembach el 1502, presentació a cura de Vinyet Panyella, Barcelona, ​​Biblioteca de Catalunya-Institut Ramon Llull, 2002 [new facsimile edition with an introduction in Catalan and German].
  • Joan Rosembach: Vocabulari molt profitós per apendre Lo Catalan Alamany y Lo Alamany Catalan , Perpinyà , 1502. (This work exists in facsimile editions from 1916 and 1991: Tilbert D. Stegmann (editor): Catalan - German vocabulary from 1502 - reprint of the Facsimile edition from 1916, provided by Pere Barnils , Vocabulari Català - Alemany de l'any 1502, Frankfurt 1991, Domus Editoria Europaea, ISBN 3927884235 )


  • Germà Colon : Concerning the Catalan-German Vocabulary of 1502: "Vocabolari molt profitós per apendre Lo Catalan Alemany y Lo Alemany Catalan". In: Quaderni di semantica. Volume 4, 1983, pp. 395-399.
  • Hans Bottle: El Vocabulario catalán-alemán de 1502. In: VII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Románica (Universidad de Barcelona, ​​April 7-10, 1953). Universidad de Barcelona, ​​Barcelona 1955, Volume 2, 19 pp.
  • Franziska Küenzlen: 'Vocabolari molt profitos' (Catalan-German vocabulary). In: The German literature of the Middle Ages. Author Lexicon. 2nd, completely revised edition. Edited by Burghart Wachinger [u. a.], Volume 11, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin and New York 2004, Sp. 1636–1637.
  • Antoni Ferrando Francés and Miquel Nicolás Amorós: Història de la llengua catalana. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona 2005.
  • Manuel Llanas i Pont: L'edició a Catalunya: sails XV a XVII. Gremi d'Editors de Catalunya, Barcelona 2002.
  • Joan Martí i Castell: Presentació de l'edició facsímil del "Vocabolari molt profitós per apendre lo catalan alamany y lo alamany catalan" imprès a Perpinyà per Joan Rosembach el 1502. In: Llengua & Literatura. Volume 15, 2004, pp. 665-669.
  • Albert Rico i Joan Solà: Gramàtica i lexicografia catalanes, síntesi històrica. Universitat de València, València 1995.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. modern spelling as far as possible
  2. Introito e porta de quele che voleno imparare e comprendere todescho o latino, cioè taliano .
  3. See e.g. B. [1] (accessible in the network).
  4. Colon / Soberanas - 1991 , pp. 55-58
  5. See presentation of Vinyet Panyella in the facsimile published in 2002 in Bibliography.
  6. See introduction by Til Stegmann in the 1991 facsimile edition in the bibliography.