Pere Barnils

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Pere Barnils

Pere Barnils (* 20th November 1882 in Centelles ; † 30th January 1933 in Barcelona ) was a Spanish linguist , Katalanist and phonetics .

life and work

Pere Barnils i Giol studied from 1908 to 1911 as a scholarship holder (together with Antoni Griera i Gaja and Manuel de Montoliu ) with Hermann Suchier and Bernhard appointed at the University of Halle and from 1911 to 1912 with Jean-Pierre Rousselot in Paris. He received his doctorate in 1913 at the University of Halle with the work Die Mundart von Alacant . Contributed to the knowledge of Valencian and was director of the laboratory for experimental phonetics in Barcelona from 1913 to 1921, head of the school for the deaf in Barcelona from 1918 to 1930 and at the same time a close collaborator of Antoni Maria Alcover at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans . In 1926 he was elected to the Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona . A biography has recently been dedicated to him. In Barcelona, ​​the Centro de Recursos para Deficientes auditivos de Cataluña (CREDAC) bears his name. In Centelles, a school and a street are named after him.


Front of the book The Dialect of Alacant (1913)
  • The dialect of Alacant. A contribution to the knowledge of the Valencian , Barcelona, ​​Institut d'estudis catalans Palau de la diputacio, 1913.
    • El dialecte d'Alacant. Contribució al coneixement del valencià , ed. by Ferran Robles i Sabater, Barcelona / Alicante, Inst. d'Estudis Catalans, Secció Filològica / Inst. Alacantí de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, 2013 (188 pages).
  • (Ed.) Vocabulari Català-Alemany de l'any 1502 . Ed. facs. segons l'unic ex. Conegut, Barcelona, ​​Institut d'estudis catalans palau de la disputacio, 1916 ( Joan Rosembach ).
    • Vocabulari Català-Alemany de l'any 1502 = Catalan-German vocabulary from 1502 . Reprint of the facsimile edition obtained by Pere Barnils, Barcelona, ​​Institut d'Estudis Catalans, from 1916, ed. by Tilbert Dídac Stegmann (* 1941), Frankfurt am Main, Domus Ed. Europaea, 1991.
  • (Ed. With Antoni Griera i Gaja and Manuel de Montoliu) Estudis romanics. Llengua i literatura (Hermann Suchier commemorative), 2 vol., Barcelona, ​​Institut d'estudis catalans, 1916–1917.
  • La paraula , Laboratori d'estudis i investigacions, Escola municipal de sords-muts, 1920.
  • Defectes del parlar , Barcelona, ​​Llibreria Catalonia, 1930.


  • Joan Julià i Muné, Pere Barnils. L'home, el lingüista i el mestre (1882-1933) , Barcelona, ​​Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2000.

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