Antoni Maria Alcover

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Antoni Maria Alcover

Mosén Antoni Maria Alcover (born February 2, 1862 in Manacor , † January 8, 1932 in Palma ) was a Spanish-Catalan cleric, writer, Romance scholar , Catalan scholar, ethnologist, linguist and lexicographer. According to the Generalitat de Catalunya, he is considered "one of the most outstanding figures in the recovery of the Catalan language in the 20th century".

life and work

Alcover was ordained a Catholic priest in 1886 and was appointed professor of ecclesiastical history at the seminary of Palma in 1888. From 1898 to 1902 he was vicar general of the diocese (and canon).

Alcover collected Balearic fairy tales [rondalles, rondaies], as well as Catalan words for a lifetime. He laid the foundation stone for the Catalan general dictionary Diccionari català-valencià-balear (known as Alcover / Moll) in 10 volumes, which was mainly developed by his student Francesc de Borja Moll . At the same time he founded the magazine Bolleti del Diccionari de la llengua catalana. Revista de linguistica, folklore i literatura (1902–1936).

In 1906 Alcover organized the first congress for the Catalan language with Bernhard Skull , which brought numerous European Romance scholars to Barcelona and in 1907 led to the establishment of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans .

Alcovers ethnological, literary and linguistic oeuvre earned him the recognition of the professional world (with which he was traveling in contact) and the honorary title "Apostle of the Catalan language".

In Manacor the Institució Pública Antoni M. Alcover was named after him, which provides information about his life's work and publishes a magazine.

Other works

  • (with Francesc de Borja Moll ): La flexió verbal en els dialectes catalans , 4 vols., Barcelona 1929–1933.
  • (Ed.) Aplec de rondaies mallorquines d'en Jordi d'es Racó , 24 vols., Palma 1896–1930, 1935–1953, 1958–1983, 1968–1975, 5 vols., 1996, 2006 (The best folk tales of Mallorca collected by Mossèn Antoni Mª Alcover, Palma 2007) [numerous other editions and translations].
  • [Alcover / Moll]: Diccionari català-valencià-balear. Inventari lexicogràfic i etimològic de la llengua catalana en totes les seves formes literàries i dialectals , ed. by Francesc de Borja Moll with the assistance of Manuel Sanchis Guarner and Anna Moll Marquès, 10 vols., Palma 1926–1968, 1978–1979, 1993 (1, 1926, 1964; 2, 1935, 1968; 3-10, 1956–1962 ).
  • Per la llengua , ed. by Josep Massot i Muntaner, Mallorca / Barcelona 1983 (works from 1901 to 1930).
  • Dietari de l'excursió filològica (1906), ed. by Francesc de Borja Moll, Barcelona 1983.
  • Viatge a Alemanya i altres nacions , ed. by Margalida Pons, Barcelona 1996 [trip to Germany].
  • Mostra de diccionari mallorquí , ed. by Maria Pilar Perea, Barcelona 2001.


  • Mina Barrelet: Mallorcan folk songs and dances . Collected by Antoni Jusep Pont, ed. Mina Barrelet, dissertation, Hamburg 1922.
  • Miscelanea filológica dedicada a Antonio M. Alcover con motivo de la publicación del Diccionari catalá-valenciá-balear , Palma de Mallorca 1932.
  • Francesc de B. Moll: Un home de combat . Mossèn Alcover, Mallorca 1981.
  • Francesc de B. Moll: Aspectes marginals d'un home de combat , Barcelona 1983.
  • Josep Massot i Muntaner: Antoni M. Alcover i la llengua catalana , Barcelona 1985.
  • Günther Haensch : Catalan Lexicography, in: Dictionaries. An international handbook on lexicography , ed. by Franz Josef Hausmann , Oskar Reichmann , Herbert Ernst Wiegand and Ladislav Zgusta , second volume, Berlin / New York 1990, pp. 1770–1788 (here: 1775).
  • Carme Eberenz-Greoles, Bernhard Skull i els Països Catalans, in: Zeitschrift für Katalanistik 3,1990, pp. 137–166.
  • Actes del Congrés internacional Antoni M. Alcover [17-21 de desembre de 2001, Center de cultura Sa Nostra, Palma], ed. By Jaume Guiscafrè and Antoni Picornell, Barcelona 2003.
  • Maria Pilar Perea, Antoni M. Alcover: Dialectòleg. Gramàtic. Polemista , Barcelona 2005.
  • Antoni M. Alcover / Francesc de B. Moll: Crònica de l'obra del diccionari , ed. by Jaume Corbera Pou, Mallorca 2006.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. El Catalán, lengua de Europa . Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Cultura / Govern de les Illes Balears - Conselleria d'Educació i Cultura, Barcelona 2001, ISBN 84-393-5553-X , p. 13 (this publication of the Catalan and Balearic regional governments describes Mosén Antoni Maria Alcover as "[...] una de las figuras más representativas de la recuperación le la lengua al inicio del siglo XX.").