Oskar Reichmann

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Oskar Reichmann (born April 16, 1937 in Wilgersdorf ) is a German Germanist and linguist .


Reichmann studied German and history in Bonn and Marburg . In 1964 he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD. From January 1964 to October 1965 he was a research assistant at the research institute for the German language " Deutscher Sprachatlas " in Marburg. He then completed his traineeship in the seminar district of Marburg (Treysa and Kirchheim) by March 1967, which he completed with the second state examination. From April to July 1967 he was an assessor in the teaching post at the comprehensive school in Kirchhain near Marburg and at the same time academic assistant at the Marburg study seminar. From September 1967 to September 1974 he worked as a research assistant and lecturer at the Free Reformed University of Amsterdam for the sub-areas of linguistics and older German philology. This also involved a part-time lectureship at the Cocma teacher training institute in Utrecht .

In October 1974, Reichmann was appointed to succeed Gerhard Eis and full professor for German linguistics with a special focus on the history of language at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . He held the chair until his retirement in September 2005. In 1987, he turned down an offer from the Philipps University of Marburg to the professorship for Germanic and German Philology. During his time as a professor in Heidelberg, he held visiting professorships in Paris, Catania, Budapest, Szeged, Beijing and Freiburg / Switzerland.

He is involved in several scientific commissions. As Emeritus, he has been Scientific Director for the Early New High German Dictionary at the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen since 2013 .

Oskar Reichmann is married to the Germanist Anja Lobenstein-Reichmann .


Reichmann's research and teaching focuses are the history of German (since the 14th century), lexicology and lexicography , historical grammar, text linguistics, and language theory and philosophy in the past and present. In particular, Reichmann was involved in the creation as scientific director and co-editor of the Early New High German Dictionary . Reichmann is also a member of the commission for the German Legal Dictionary (DRW) .

honors and awards

  • Symposium on the occasion of his 60th birthday (1997)
  • Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for its scientific merits (1999)
  • Festschrift on the occasion of his 65th birthday (2002)
  • University medal from the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
  • Honorary Professorship at the Foreign Language University in Beijing (2010)
  • German Language Prize of the Henning Kaufmann Foundation for his outstanding services to German language and cultural history (2013)


  • Jochen A. Bär , Marcus Müller: For the introduction. In: Jochen A. Bär, Marcus Müller (Hrsg.): History of language - language of history. Problems and perspectives of the historical linguistics of German. Oskar Reichmann on his 75th birthday. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-05-005111-6 , pp. 1–8.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Göttingen Academy of Sciences , accessed on January 7, 2019
  2. See for example Oskar Reichmann, Klaus-Peter Wegera (ed.): Early New High German Grammar. by Robert P. Ebert, Oskar Reichmann, Hans-Joachim Solms and Klaus-Peter Wegera. Tübingen 1993 (= collection of short grammars of Germanic dialects. A. Volume 12).
  3. Ulrich Goebel, Oskar Reichmann (Ed.): Early New High German Dictionary. Volume 1 ff., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York (1986–) 1989 ff.
  4. https://adw-goe.de/forschung/forschungsprojekte-akademienprogramm/fruehneuhochdeutsches-woerterbuch/mitarbeiter/oskar-reichmann-auslösungen
  5. http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/einrichtungen/organe/rektorat/05/verbunden_freunde.html
  6. ^ Personal details 10/2010 , University of Heidelberg, November 4, 2010
  7. Communication from the University of Heidelberg on the award of the prize
predecessor Office successor
Gerhard Ice Chair of German Linguistics / History of Language
Jörg Riecke