Volkacher Gate

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The Wappenstein at Volkacher Strasse 2

The Volkacher Tor (also known as the Kuhtor ) is an abandoned gate from the fortifications in Sommerach, Lower Franconia . The only relic of the Volkacher Tor is a coat of arms stone on Volkacher Strasse.


After Sommerach was repeatedly exposed to military conquests in the 15th century, the abbots of Münsterschwarzach , who ruled the village at that time , began to surround the village with a curtain wall. The north-eastern part was built in the first half of the 16th century. The gate was completed in 1536 and named after the nearby town of Volkach because the road ran towards the official city there. At the same time, the name “Kuhtor” became popular, probably because the residents grazed their cattle in front of the gate. The gravedigger's apartment was located in the gate .

At the beginning of the 19th century, the community forced the demolition of the northern sections of the village wall to cope with the growing traffic. The gate was dilapidated and was auctioned for demolition by the community of Sommerach. Franz Pickel was awarded the contract for 200 guilders . Before 1868, the coat of arms was the only remnant that was inserted into today's house wall.

Coat of arms stone

The rectangular coat of arms stone is embedded in a wall in the house at Volkacher Strasse 2. The crest cartridge is surrounded by a wide border and is divided into two equal parts by a band . The transverse frame bears the year 1536 as a relief . Above it are two coats of arms of the authorities , on the left the bishop's coat of arms of Konrad II. Von Thüngen , on the right the two crossed abbot staffs of the Münsterschwarzach Abbey. The two coats of arms underneath can no longer be clearly identified and may refer to the mayor and mayor of Sommerach. The coat of arms stone is listed as an architectural monument .


  • Georg Dehio: Handbook of the German art monuments. Bavaria I: Franconia . Munich and Berlin 1999.
  • Winfried Kraus: Sommerach. New chronicle of the romantic wine village on the Mainschleife . Sommerach 2007.

Web links

Commons : Volkacher Tor  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dehio, Georg: Handbook of German art monuments . P. 981.
  2. Kraus, Winfried: Sommerach . P. 98.

Coordinates: 49 ° 49 ′ 45.9 ″  N , 10 ° 12 ′ 18 ″  E