Fully balanced operational amplifier

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A fully balanced operational amplifier ( english Fully differential amplifier , shortly FDA ) is a variant of an operational amplifier , are made differentially at the input and output. Like a normal operational amplifier, it has a very high gain and is designed for the use of an external negative feedback . The two outputs result in two negative feedback paths.

The fully symmetrical design has the advantage of being less sensitive to common-mode interference , such as can come from the operating voltages. In addition, the required operating voltage for a certain signal level is reduced. Both are advantages in highly complex mixed-signal circuits, which is why fully symmetrical operational amplifiers are primarily found as circuit elements in complex integrated circuits . However, they are also offered as individual components and are mainly used for analog signal processing together with analog-digital converters and digital-analog converters .


Circuit symbol

If the FDA is assumed to be ideal, the input voltage is formed as the difference between the two input voltages:

From this, a finite gain for the respective application and the output voltage as the difference between the two outputs are formed via the external negative feedback :

The common-mode voltage of the two outputs in relation to the reference potential can be selected within certain limits with many FDA via a separate control input. The common-mode voltage from the output is independent of the common-mode voltage at the input and symmetrical to the two voltage outputs. In practical applications, such as in analog-digital converters, the common-mode voltage at the output is selected via the external control input to be, for example, half the reference voltage of the AD converter.


  • Jim Karki, Texas Instruments: Fully differential amplifiers . ( PDF ).
  • Jim Karki, Texas Instruments: Analysis of fully differential amplifiers . ( PDF ).

Individual evidence

  1. High-speed fully differential I / O amplifiers. Texas Instruments corporate publication, THS414x data sheet, accessed January 13, 2018 .