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A pre-seminar is an institution that serves to acquire prior knowledge for a course. Pre-seminars are usually led by a director and are similar in structure to a school. The only federal state that recognizes the school status "pre-seminar" is Baden-Württemberg .


The language skills required for a degree are often acquired at pre-seminars. They are characterized by close cooperation with local universities and greater interactivity between the instructors and pre-seminar participants.

Pre-seminars are often offered in the context of classical philology, theological and philosophical courses in order to enable intensive work with the ancient language sources in ancient Greek, Hebrew and Latin before studying at state universities. In addition, parallel language courses are often offered in order to acquire the language certificates required for a degree program.

The training of priests and pastoral consultants in the Roman Catholic Church also began in a theological pre-seminar until 2009, which was set up centrally by the Rottenburg-Stuttgart diocese for all German-speaking dioceses . Most of the German dioceses now have their own propaedeutic seminars .

In the GDR, the churches created so-called proseminars ( Kirchliches Proseminar Naumburg (Saale) , Kirchliches Oberseminar Potsdam-Hermannswerder , Proseminar in Dahme / Mark , Proseminar Moritzburg ) in order to give potential theology students who were denied the Abitur at state schools the possibility of an Abitur procure. In addition to the classical subjects, Greek and Latin were also taught here.