Vote (liturgy)

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The vote (Latin, 'vow', 'wish', 'request', also: 'opinion', 'expert opinion', 'voting vote') is part of the Christian liturgy .

It denotes a short prayer dressed in a desired form or a request for divine gifts (blessing). The vote most frequently used in the liturgy is the " Trinitarian vote" , which regularly introduces divine services and official acts : "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" (from Mt 28:19  LUT ). When the term “vote” is used in the context of a worship service, this trinitarian vote representing a baptismal memory is usually meant.

There are also other, mostly “biblical” votes:

  • as - sometimes dialogical - opening vote Ps 124,8  LUT : "Our help is in the name of the Lord ..." This is also called "Adjutorium",
  • as the final vote the so-called “votum Davidicum”: “The Lord bless your exit and entrance” ( Ps 121.8  LUT ), in addition there are also Rom 15.13  EU , 1 Thess 5.23  LUT , 2 Thess 2.16–17  LUT , 1 Petr 5,10-11  LUT and Heb 13,20-21  LUT spread.

The Evangelical Worship Book makes a distinction between the biblical, the Trinitarian, the blessing vote and “the votum postbaptismale ('vote after baptism')”.

A vote is also the peace greeting Phil 4,7  LUT , which usually concludes the evangelical sermon , as well as the "apostolic greeting" 2 Cor 13,13  LUT or 1 Cor 1,3  LUT , which often introduces it . Collections of opening and closing votes can be found in many agendas.

In addition to the “Votum for the opening” at the beginning of the divine service, the Evangelical Worship Service Book contains the “Biblical Vote”, which can be “a freely chosen or the character of the day according to the biblical vote ( weekly saying )”.

The under laying on of hands awarded blessings to Confirmation , Ordination and inauguration are called "vote".


  • Article Votum , in: Kirchliches Handlexikon. Volume 7. Leipzig 1902, p. 138
  • Evangelical service book. Agende for the EKU and the VELKD ; Berlin: Verlagsgemeinschaft Evangelisches Gottesdienstbuch, 1999; Altar edition ISBN 3-7461-0139-5 .
  • Evangelical service book. Supplementary volume for the EKU and the VELKD ; Berlin: Verlagsgemeinschaft Evangelisches Gottesdienstbuch, 2002; Loose-leaf edition ISBN 3-7461-0158-1 ; P. 365.
  • Peter Bukowski, Arend Klompmaker, Christiane Nolting, Alfred Rauhaus , Friedrich Thiele (eds.): Reformed Liturgy. Prayers and ordinances for the community gathered under the word ; Wuppertal: Foedus, 1999; ISBN 3-932735-36-6 . Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1999; ISBN 3-7887-1777-7 ; Pp. 79-88.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Evangelical church service book. Supplementary volume ; P. 365.
  2. ^ For example, Reformed Liturgy ; Pp. 81-88.
  3. Protestant service book ; P. 51.