Vuata Vatoa

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Vuata Vatoa
Waters Pacific Ocean
archipelago Lau Islands
Geographical location 19 ° 54 ′  S , 178 ° 18 ′  W Coordinates: 19 ° 54 ′  S , 178 ° 18 ′  W
Vuata Vatoa (Fiji)
Vuata Vatoa
Number of islands 0
length 7.2 km
width 4.1 km
Land area 0 ha
Lagoon area 20 km²
Residents uninhabited
Template: Infobox Atoll / Maintenance / HoeheFehlt

Vuata Vatoa is a ring-shaped coral reef in the southeast of the Lau Archipelago in the Pacific Ocean . Politically, it belongs to the Eastern Division of the island state of Fiji .


Vuata Vatoa is only about 10 km southwest of the island of Vatoa , the second most southern inhabited land mass of Fiji. The atoll- like reef lies completely below the sea surface and has a length of 7.2 km and a width of up to 4.1 km. The lagoon , which is completely enclosed by a fringing reef, has an area of ​​around 20 km². Because of its short distance to neighboring Vatoa - the two fringing reefs are only 2 km apart - the reef poses a great danger to shipping. Numerous ships crashed here, including the Oeno from Nantucket in 1825 , the ship to which the atoll Oeno in the Pitcairn Islands owes its name.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry at (English)