Johann Woerlin

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Johann Wörlin († 16th century, proven active time 1522-1526) was a German printer .

He founded a printing office in Freiburg , in the first printing in 1522 Jakob Mennels " 've altfordern Seel vnnd holy book, Keizer Maximilian, as I weyt vff IRER Keizer Lichen Maiestat gnedig befelh, everywhere like erfaren " appeared. As one of the few remaining early church printing houses in the area, he subsequently printed anti-reformatory texts by Hugo von Hohenlandenberg (1457–1532) and Johann Fabri (1478–1541) against Ulrich Zwingli . Furthermore, song pamphlets have survived from this year, for example by Hans Folz . In 1523 the health advice based on the regimen sanitatis of Konrad von Eichstätt, published anonymously, " Dis biechlin says, How a yegklich man should keep himself through the whole jar with eating, drinking, sleeping, waking and bathing " and in 1525 a guide to pregnancy and Birth " Dises biechlin says how the pregnant women should hold themselves, before the birth, during the birth and after the birth ". From 1525 a number of pamphlets and " Neüwen Zeytungen ", a kind of news print , were published, especially on the peasant war . Furthermore, texts from Erasmus von Rotterdam printed by Wörlin have been preserved.

Because of their early publication date, Wörlin's prints are considered incunabula and can be found in the catalogs of library associations and in VD 16 in Germany, among other places .


  • Hermann Baumeister: The Freiburg printer Johann Wörlin (1522-1527) , in: From the Antiquariat NF 8 (2010), No. 1, pp. 3–8.
  • Pamphlets against the Reformation: (1518–1524) , ed. and edit by Adolf Laube, with collabor. by Ulman Weiß (1997), ISBN 3-05-002815-7 , p. 29.
  • Luise Liefländer-Koistinen: Studies on Jörg Preining (1986, Diss. 1984), ISBN 3-88099-175-8 , p. 79.
  • Heinz Holeczek: Erasmus deutsch, vol. 1. The vernacular reception of the Erasmus of Rotterdam in the Reformation public 1519–1536 (1983), ISBN 3-7728-0879-4 , p. 291.

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Individual evidence

  1. Christa Hagenmeyer: The ›order of health‹ for Rudolf von Hohenberg. Investigations into the dietary prose of the late Middle Ages with critical text edition. Philosophical dissertation Heidelberg, Stuttgart 1972, p. 129.
  2. ^ Walter Buckl: On the 650th anniversary of the death of Konrad von Eichstätt. In: Würzburger medical history reports 11, 1993, pp. 227-234.
  3. Julius Arndt (Ed.): Dis biechlin saget ... Johann Wörlin, Freiburg im Breisgau 1523, facsimile print and booklet: Steingrüben, Stuttgart 1965