Structure of Intellect

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Structure of Intellect is a theory published in 1967 that radically opposes any hierarchy in the structuring of intelligence and rather regards intelligence as a composition of various “clusters”, each resulting from three factors. Due to the strong criticism of this model, Joy Paul Guilford revised his model of intelligence in 1982 and gave space to a certain hierarchy.

History of the model

Origin (1967)

"Intelligence is too complicated to be summarized in a few mental abilities or in a" g "factor." (Joy Paul Guilford)

Guilford's 1967 intelligence model represents a radical departure from the hierarchical model notions prevailing at the time, such as B. the intelligence model from RB Cattell . This is made possible by the orthogonal rotation of the individual factors within the factor analysis, which makes it impossible to find a general, basic intelligence factor ( g-factor ). Guilford does not use factor analysis in the usual sense to find a structure of intelligence, but rather to test his hypothesis.

The model postulates a three-dimensional factor space of intelligence that contains all theoretically possible factors of intelligence. There are 4x5x6 combinations, ie 120 independent factors (in the model so-called “clusters”), each composed of the three dimensions, content (input), operation and product (output). Guilford classifies intelligence into 120 equal and independent factors. Already at the beginning of the 1970s, one hundred of the 120 individual factors were empirically proven and it can be assumed that even more individual factors exist. In his revision of the 1982 model, Guilford even spoke of 150 factors (see section Revision (1982) ).

Applications (1971)

In 1971, Prof. Mary N. Meeker, a student of Guilford, wrote her PhD on the SOI model and its applicability in the educational field of children and adults. As a result, two central statements were made: 1.) Intelligence, including its sub-factors, can be clearly and repeatedly determined by a test. 2.) Each of these sub-factors can be promoted and thus increased to a certain degree through special training.

As a result, Mary N. Meeker developed a test that is still used today and published a variety of teaching materials on the subject. These materials are regularly used in schools in the United States and the USA. a. Used for the discovery and promotion of talented people, as well as for personnel selection processes.

Revision (1977–1982)

When the “Structure of Intellect” model was published in 1967, it caused quite a stir because it so vehemently contradicted the hierarchical conception of the structure of intelligence. Serious criticism was voiced as early as the early 1970s, when most of the 120 factors could be empirically verified. About 76% of the various individual factors appeared to overlap, as there were significantly positive correlations between them. This was of course incompatible with a model that postulated the independence and equivalence of the factors.

Guilford responded to the criticism and revised its model by 1977 first factor content Figural in Auditory and Visual split, so that the model now consisted of a total of 150 individual factors. The hierarchical models were approached in 1982, since the overlap of individual factors seemed to be explainable only through the hierarchical division into factors of different levels of order.

The 150 individual factors of the first order each consist of three dimensions (content, operation, product) and correspond to the 150 cube clusters, e.g. B. the memory for semantic classes. The 85 second-order factors consist of only two dimensions, either content / operation, content / product or operation / product. An example of a second order factor is memory for classes. The 16 factors of the third and highest order each consist of only one dimension, e.g. B. the memory itself.

Structure of the model

It seems remarkable that the division of the model into the three dimensions of content, operation, and product can be compared with the EVA principle of computer science (input, processing, output).

Content page (input)

The dimension of content denotes the broad, substantial, basic types or areas of information. It thus includes the type of material presentation, e.g. B. the presentation of a problem question in an intelligence test. The content page can be subdivided into four areas of different complexity:

Figural [F]: The information is available in concrete form, i. H. as it is perceived in the imagination. This is the figure-ground representation.

Symbolic [S]: denotes the presence of information in the form of characters that have no meaning in or for themselves, such as B. Numbers, letters or musical notes.

Semantic [M]: The problem information is in the form of terms or mental constructs, to which words are often applied.

Behavior [B]: is the collective term for all non-verbal and non-figural information, which, however, also play a role in human interactions (attitudes, needs, wishes, moods, thoughts, etc.).

The measurement of the differences in the content level is often done by means of questions, e.g. B. Conceptual vs. trigger perceptual relationships (verbal vs. figural).


Operations are the mediating processes between the stimulus (input) and the response side (output). The processing of content takes place through the following different operations:

Cognition [C]: comprises the quick discovery, the awareness, the rediscovery or the recognition of information in various forms. So it is the understanding or comprehension.

Memory [M]: describes the fixation of the newly acquired information in the memory.

Convergent production [N]: is the development of logical conclusions from given information. In contrast to divergent production, the emphasis is on achieving the only or best solution. The information given determines the result. An example are arithmetic problems: 3 + 5 =?

Evaluation [E]: is the comparison of information by judging whether a criterion has been met: e.g. B. Correctness, identity, consistency of a solution.

Divergent production [D]: describes the development of logical alternatives from given information. In contrast to convergent production, the emphasis is on the diversity, quantity and importance of the results from the same source. So there is more than one right solution.

Product page (output)

Products are the basic forms that the information through the activity of the organism (= operation ). accept. They are equivalent to the results. Guilford distinguishes six product types in his model:

Units [U]: denote relatively separate and distinct parts or "chunks" of information that have a "thing character". This is similar to the "figure-on-ground" concept of Gestalt psychology .

Classes [C]: are terms that are grouped in a sentence according to their common characteristics.

Relationships [R]: are meaningful relationships between information that can be applied to variables or points of contact. Explicit connections can be more easily defined than implicit ones.

Systems [S]: are organized or structured collections of information as well as complexes of connected or influencing parts.

Transformations [T]: are changes of various kinds (transformations, redefinitions, transitions and changes) in existing information.

Implications [I]: are any connections between information, such as contiguity (i.e. spatiotemporal proximity of two or more pieces of information), conclusions or changes in membership. So implications describe information that is suggested by other information.

Application of the model

SOI test

As part of her doctorate and other work, Mary N. Meeker developed several test procedures that are based on SOI and test different skills. This includes school tests as well as those for career and personnel selection. The SOI-LA test is often seen as an alternative to the Stanford Binet and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). The SOI-CR test is particularly well known and used by students and personnel recruiters.

SOI training

SOI learning tools are useful for identifying underdevelopments in early childhood. Basic school tasks such as languages, pictures or arithmetic are complex tasks that require multiple skills to apply. Because children who fail these tasks often lack the underlying skills, an attempt is made to teach these children these skills. Some children who cannot read may still learn the underlying intellectual skill, such as: B. associate a word (i.e. a series of graphic images) with its meaning (i.e. a semantic unit of measure). SOI training can help develop the underlying intellectual skills of mastery of language and arithmetic.

The individual problems are uncovered with the help of an SOI test. Subsequently, specific tasks are assigned (such as language, image or arithmetic) and thus the performance is significantly increased. Appropriate SOI curriculum materials, based on certain identified skills, give individuals the opportunity to improve individually.

Importance of the model

Even the revised model from 1982 cannot reconcile the postulated independence of the individual factors with the empirical results of the significantly positive correlations to a satisfactory degree. It is generally assumed today that the model still combines too many individual factors. The model still does not explain how the individual factors work together.

Methodological problems mainly concern the fact that Guilford developed his model on the basis of empirical results from studies on US Air Force members at the Santa Ana Army Air Base. A generalization is only permissible to a limited extent because the sample is too homogeneous.

Overall, the model therefore only plays a role in current intelligence research from a historical perspective. The great merit of Guilford's structural model of intelligence lies above all in stimulating the development of new types of tasks, as they are used today in almost every intelligence test. Furthermore, Guilford has made an important contribution to creativity research with the factor "divergent thinking" . It also formed the formal basis for the Berlin intelligence structure model (BIS) developed by Adolf Otto Jäger in 1984 .


  • MN Meeker: SOI: Its Interpretation and its Uses. Charles Merrill , Columbus, Ohio 1969.
  • MN Meeker, RJ Meeker, GH Roid: Structure of Intellect Learning Abilities Test (SOI-LA) Manual. Western Psychological Services, Los Angeles, California 1985.
  • MN Meeker, R. Meeker: IPP (Integrated Practice Protocol: A treatment system for dysfunctional students). SOI Systems, Vida, OR 1992.
  • B. Brocke: Intelligence - Structure and Process. In: W. Sarges (Ed.): Management diagnostics. 3. Edition. Hogrefe, Göttingen 2000, pp. 225-232.
  • R. Kail, JW Pellegrino: The Psychometric Approach. In: R. Kail, JW Pellegrino: Human intelligence. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Heidelberg 1989, pp. 16-52.
  • M. Amelang, D. Bartussek: Intelligence. In: M. Amelang, D. Bartussek: Differential Psychology and Personality Research. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2001, pp. 190-233.
  • J. Funke: Intelligence: The Psychological Perspective. Lecture on the occasion of the graduate conference of the Cusanuswerk "Intelligence & Creativity". Heidelberg 2003.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b E. Stern, & Neubauer, A. (2016). Intelligence: not a myth, but reality. Psychological Rundschau, 67 (1), 15–27. doi: 10.1026 / 0033-3042 / a000290