W * -dynamic system

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W * -dynamic systems are examined in the mathematical sub-area of functional analysis. It is a construction with which one obtains a new Von Neumann algebra from a Von Neumann algebra and a locally compact group that operates in a certain way on the Von Neumann algebra.


A W * -dynamic system is a triple consisting of a Von Neumann algebra over a Hilbert space , a locally compact group and a homomorphism of into the group of * - automorphisms of , which is strongly continuous at points , i.e. all mappings are norm-continuous are.

You can replace the strong operator topology with the weak or ultra- weak operator topology and get the same term.

Construction of the cross product

For a W * -dynamic system we construct a Von Neumann algebra as follows . Here we reproduce the construction presented in. First we describe the Hilbert space on which the new Von Neumann algebra is supposed to operate.

operate on the Hilbert space and let L 2 (G) be the Hilbert space of the square-integrable functions with respect to the hair measure . The Tensor product of Hilbert spaces can with the space of measurable functions with identification. The mapping that assigns the function to an elementary tensor can become a unitary operator

be continued.

Now to the operators of the Von Neumann algebra to be defined. Since the space of continuous functions with compact support is close to , it is sufficient to state the effect of the operators on . For each we define the operator on through

and for each the operator on through


Then there is a Hilbert space representation of and a group representation of on the Hilbert space and it applies

for everyone .

Therefore the linear hull of the operators is a partial algebra of , with respect to the involution, closed , of the restricted, linear operators on , whose weak closure is a Von Neumann algebra. This is called the Von Neumann Algebra of the W * -dynamic system or the cross product of and (fortune ) and is denoted by. Alternative names are , or .

If one observes the isomorphism given above , one can show that is contained in the tensor product .


Be a commutative, locally compact group. Then there is the dual group of continuous group homomorphisms . With the topology of compact convergence, this is again a commutative, locally compact group. For such a group homomorphism we define the unitary operator auf by the formula


Then there is a unitary operator over and one can show that it holds, that is, that through

an automorphism is defined which makes a W * -dynamic system. So you can build the cross product and show that it is isomorphic to .


Construction of factors

Let it be a Borel space that is Borel isomorphic to [0,1] and a σ-finite measure on without atoms, that is, it is for everyone . We consider injective group homomorphisms

a discrete group in the group of Borel isomorphisms , so that the following applies:

  • From follows for everyone too .
  • operate freely , that is, for everyone different from the neutral element .
  • operate ergodically , that is, is with for a different from the neutral element , so is or .

A group homomorphism is obtained from

into the automorphism group of the Abelian Von Neumann algebra and one obtains a W * -dynamic system . Hence one can form the cross product . For this applies:

  • Is now -invariant, ie for all measurable subsets , it is a type II factor , namely a type II 1 factor if , and otherwise a type II factor.
  • If it is not -invariant, but is invariant with regard to a subgroup of , which also operates ergodically , then it is a type III factor.

The following specific examples can be given for this:

Concrete examples

(i) Let be the circular line with the hair measure . It be and

This fulfills the requirements of the above sentence, and it follows that a Type II 1 factor is.

(ii) Be with the Lebesgue measure .

This fulfills the requirements of the above theorem, and it follows that there is a type II -factor.

(iii) Let be with the Lebesgue measure and be the multiplicative matrix group . For be . Then meets the requirements of the above sentence, and it follows that is a type III factor.

The modular group

For σ-finite Von Neumann algebras , the Tomita-Takesaki theory yields a W * -dynamic system for every true, normal state . The dependence on the state is described by a so-called Connes cocycle , from which it follows that the cross products of the W * -dynamic systems are isomorphic to different states. One can therefore speak of the cross product with the modular group.

Duality plays an important role in Takesaki's theorem on the structure of Type III Von Neumann algebras .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gert K. Pedersen: C * -Algebras and Their Automorphism Groups , Academic Press Inc. (1979), ISBN 0-1254-9450-5 , 7.4.2
  2. ^ A van Daele: Continuous crossed products and type III von Neumann algebras , Cambridge University Press (1978), ISBN 0-521-21975-2
  3. ^ A van Daele: Continuous crossed products and type III von Neumann algebras , Cambridge University Press (1978), ISBN 0-521-21975-2 , Theorem 4.11
  4. ^ Gert K. Pedersen: C * -Algebras and Their Automorphism Groups , Academic Press Inc. (1979), ISBN 0-1254-9450-5 , November 7 , 2016
  5. ^ RV Kadison , JR Ringrose : Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras II , 1983, ISBN 0-1239-3302-1 , Theorem 8.6.10