WBO scandal

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The WBO scandal was one of the largest white-collar crime cases in Austria after the Second World War , in which numerous politicians were also involved.

The housing cooperative east, which mainly built houses and apartments in Burgenland , was driven to ruin by the criminal machinations of the management. These actions were exposed in 1982. The amount of damage could never be precisely determined, but was estimated at around 500 million schillings (about 36 million euros ).

Ernst Rauchwarter , who was also a member of the ÖVP state parliament in Burgenland, used the cooperative funds improperly as chairman.

Banks took over debts for the apartment and homeowners as a gesture of goodwill , so that they survived the scandal without damage.

In addition to Ernst Rauchwarter, another 18 people were finally convicted. But also politically some mandataries had to give up their offices. The then Deputy Governor of Burgenland, Franz Sauerzopf, resigned. Also walter zimper had for alleged involvement as ÖVP resign -Landesparteisekretär.

In Lower Austria , the ÖVP prevented an investigative committee in the state parliament, so that governor Siegfried Ludwig's involvement could never be clarified.

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