Election of the German Federal President in 1989

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Election of the German Federal President in 1989
Candidates Votes in%
Richard von Weizsäcker
Vote no
Richard von Weizsäcker

In the election of the German Federal President in 1989 , Richard von Weizsäcker was re-elected as the sixth Federal President by the 9th Federal Assembly on May 23, 1989 . He received 881 of 1,022 votes (108 against, 30 abstentions) in the first ballot. In the absence of other nominations, there was only one candidate for the first and so far only time. The elections - like those of 1949, 1974, 1979 and 1984 - took place in Bonn. It was the last federal presidential election before the fall of the Berlin Wall (which was still unpredictable at the time) on November 9, 1989. Since the reunification of Germany (October 3, 1990), the Federal Assembly has met again in Berlin (as it did from 1954 to 1969).

V. Weizsäcker was elected for the first time on May 23, 1984 . On May 8, 1985 , exactly 40 years after the end of the Second World War, he gave a speech that was received very positively by many and which was also honored when he died (2015).

Bonn, May 23, 1989 - total number of votes 1038 - absolute majority 520
Ballot candidate Number of votes proportion of Political party
1st ballot Richard von Weizsäcker 881 84.9% CDU , CSU , SPD , FDP
Vote no 108 10.4%
Abstentions 30th 2.9%
Invalid 3 0.3%
not submitted 16 1.5%
Richard von Weizsäcker was thus re-elected Federal President.

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  1. spiegel.de , FAZ.net , sueddeutsche.de ( The Federal King , How a speech liberated the Germans ), zeit.de , lefigaro.fr