Election to the National Assembly in Guinea in 2002

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The parliamentary elections in Guinea 2002 were held on June 30, 2002 in Guinea . President Lansana Conté's party , the Parti de l'Unité et du Progrès , won the election with 61.57% of the vote and 85 out of 114 seats.

Radical opposition parties, including the Rassemblement du peuple de Guinée (RPG, " Assembly of the Guinean People" ) and the Union of Forces for the Republic (UFR), boycotted the election on the grounds of falsification. There were 4,458,871 registered voters and the turnout was reported as 72.47%. The Parti de l'Unité et du Progrès won all 38 seats that were to be won in constituencies that could only designate one member, and a further 47 seats were added through proportional representation in the other constituencies.

In addition to the 85 seats won by the president's party, the PUP, the Parti Démocratique de Guinée-Rassemblement Démocratique Africain (PDG) and the Alliance Nationale pour le Progrès (ANP), which also supported President Conté, won some Seats (three for the PDG, one for the ANP) in the National Assembly of Guinea . The opposition Union pour le Progrès de la Guinée (UPG) questioned the result and refused to accept the three seats it had won in the election.


Election to the National Assembly in June 2002:
  • Party of Unity and Progress (Parti de l'Unité et du Progrès, PUP): 85 seats
  • Union for Progress and Renewal: 20 seats
  • Union for the Progress of Guinea: 3 seats
  • Democratic Party of Guinea-African Democratic Rally: 3 seats
  • National Alliance for Progress: 2 seats
  • Party of the Union for Development: 1 seat
  • Parties be right % Seats
    Parti de l'Unité et du Progrès

    ( Party for Unity and Progress )

    1,947,318 61.5 85
    Union pour le Progrès et le Renouveau

    ( Union for Progress and Renewal )

    842 270 21.7 20th
    Union pour le Progres de la Guinée

    ( Union for Progress in Guinea )

    130 065 4.1 3
    Parti Démocratique de Guinée-Rassemblement Démocratique Africain

    ( Democratic Party of Guinea - Association for African Democracy )

    107 666 3.4 3
    Alliance Nationale pour le Progrès

    ( National Alliance for Progress )

    62 780 2.0 2
    Parti de l'Union pour le Développement

    ( Party of the Union for Development )

    20 823 0.7 1
    Total (turnout 71.6%) 3 162 855   114
    Source: Democraf.

    The elections were boycotted by the Rassemblement du peuple de Guinée .


    1. a b c Page on 2002 election at IPU PARLINE.