2003 presidential election in Guinea

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The 2003 presidential election in Guinea took place on December 21, 2003. Previously, in a referendum in November 2001, the president's term of office was extended from five to seven years. Incumbent Lansana Conté was re-elected with 95.6% of the vote after Alpha Condé, the president's most important opponent, had been excluded from the election and the majority of opposition parties called for a boycott of the polls in anticipation of an unfair election.

Conté was sworn in on January 19, 2004 despite serious health problems (complications of diabetes ). On that occasion, he called on television to fight corruption.

A few hours after his death on December 22, 2008, there was a military coup. On December 24, 2008 Moussa Dadis Camara declared himself interim president.


2003 presidential election in Guinea

Candidate (party) be right %
Lansana Conté (Parti de l'Unité et du Progrès) 95.6
Mamadou Bhoye Barry (Union pour le progrès national) 4.4
total   100.0
Number of registered voters 5,009,780  
voter turnout   82.8

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.laender-lexikon.de/Guinea_%28Geschichte%29