Election announcement

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Election announcement for the election of the Frankfurt National Assembly in 1848

The election announcement is the official announcement of the implementation of an election and the election modalities.

Election announcements are made - depending on the election - in the form of public notices, publication in official gazettes or other newspapers, the Internet or other suitable form. The content, time and form of publication are typically described in electoral regulations or electoral laws .

For the election of the German Bundestag , the election announcement is laid down in Section 48 of the Federal Election Regulations. According to this, the election announcement by the municipal authority must publicly announce the beginning and end of the election period as well as the electoral districts and election rooms at the latest on the sixth day before the election. The announcement of the election takes place in accordance with a uniform template, which is attached as Annex 27 of the federal election regulations. The municipal authority points out that

  1. the voter has a first vote and a second vote,
  2. the ballot papers are officially produced and kept ready in the voting room,
  3. the content of the ballot and how it is to be identified,
  4. in which way voting can be done with a ballot paper and in particular by postal voting
  5. that according to Section 14 (4) of the Federal Electoral Act, each person entitled to vote can only exercise his right to vote once and only personally,
  6. that pursuant to Section 107a Paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Criminal Code , anyone who votes without authorization or otherwise leads to an incorrect result of an election or falsifies the result or attempts such an act is punished with imprisonment of up to five years or with a fine.

The election announcement or an extract from it with the numbers 1, 3, 4 and 6 of Annex 27 must be attached to or in the entrance of the building in which the voting room is located before the start of the voting process. A sample voting slip must be attached to the extract.