Tanzania elections 2020

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The 2020 elections in Tanzania are due to take place in October. An exact date has not yet been set. In addition to the President , the members of the National Assembly are elected. The current president is John Magufuli from the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party, which has been the president since the state of Tanzania was founded in 1964 (see also List of Heads of State of Tanzania ). The Electoral Commission National Electoral Commission (NEC; German: "National Electoral Commission") is responsible for the process.


In the 2015 election , John Magufuli won the first-round vote with 58% of the vote, less than any other election winner in the country's history. Edward Lowassa , who had not been selected as a candidate at the CCM and ran for the Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA), received the second most votes with around 40%. The CCM also won the parliamentary elections, winning 189 of the 264 majority- voting seats. In total, the CCM won 253 seats, the CHADEMA 70, the Civic United Front (CUF) 42. One seat each went to the Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT) and the National Convention for Construction and Reform - Megenzi (NCCR-Magenzi).

In 2017, the leading CHADEMA politician Tundu Lissu was shot several times in a robbery . The 2019 regional elections were boycotted by the opposition parties. The CCM received 99% of the vote. In June 2020, Magufuli dissolved parliament, thus starting the election campaign. Several opposition parties complained that their rights were restricted and called on international organizations to observe the elections. On June 7th, the opposition politician Tundu Lissu (CHADEMA) announced that he would run for president. The following day, his fellow party member Freedom Mbowe , chairman of the party, was seriously injured in a robbery.

On June 21, 2020, 23,161,440 voters were registered.

Presidential election


The presidential election takes place every five years. If no candidate achieves an absolute majority , there is a runoff election of the two most successful candidates. The term of office of a president is ten years maximum.


General election


The parliament has 393 seats. It is elected every five years at the same time as the President. 264 seats go to majority voting, 113 seats go to women according to proportional representation . Ten MPs, including at least five women, are appointed by the President. There are also five Zanzibari MPs, including at least two women, and the attorney general .

Web links

  • National Electoral Commission website (Swahili, English)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b United Republic of Tanzania - Bunge (National Assembly). archive.ipu.org, accessed June 18, 2020
  2. Tanzania National Assembly 2015. electionguide.org (English), accessed June 19, 2020
  3. ^ Tanzania: president Magufuli to seek a second five-year term. cameroon-tribune.cm from June 18, 2020 (English), accessed on June 18, 2020
  4. Chrispin Mwakideu: Tanzania opposition cries foul over attacks on leaders as election looms. dw.com of June 10, 2020, accessed on June 18, 2020
  5. ^ Website of the National Electoral Commission (Swahili, English), accessed June 21, 2020