Orphan fees

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In verse doctrine, an orphan tzine describes a group of three verses at the end of or within a stanza or poem in which a pair of rhymes includes an inconsistent verse. This verse is called the orphan line and is often included in the rhyme schemewdesignated. The rhyme scheme of the orphan tzine is accordingly[awa].

Waisenterzinen appear at the end of a series of chain rhyming Terzinenstrophen , here's an example with five verses:

[aba bcb cdc ded ewe]

One speaks here of the rhyme of terzines .

Waisenterzinen Mark often the end of a verse or a poem part, for example in out in the tercet MHG canzones verse and Morolfstrophe . As an example by Walther von der Vogelweide, the swan song from his most famous poem Under der linden :

In front of the forest in a valley,
beautiful sanc diu seamless.

Another example is Walther's Reichssprüche in rhyming couple stanzas , each ending with an orphan tense, here the last three verses of his Reichsklage :

fride unde reht sint sêre wunt.
The third has nothing to guide, the
two are sunted.

As in the other examples from the Middle High German Minnesang, it can be argued that there is no terzine here, but a pair of rhymes with a long line as the second verse, i.e.:

fride unde reht sint sêre wunt.
The third has nothing to guide, the two are sunted.

Another form of poetry is a series of orphan tents that are not rhymed with one another according to the following scheme:

[awa bwb cwc ...]

An example from German folk song poetry is:

High up on that mountain,
there is a little diamond strewn
twisted out of the earth.


Individual evidence

  1. Walther von der Vogelweide: Under the linden . Verses 17-19. In: Karl Lachmann : The poems of Walther von der Vogelweide. 2nd edition. G. Reimer, Berlin 1843, pp. 39-40 .
  2. ^ Reimpaarstrophik , Uni Münster
  3. Walther von der Vogelweide: Reichston I. Vers 23 f. In: Walther von der Vogelweide: Works. Text and prose translation. Explanation of the poems, explanation of the most important terms. Edited by Jörg Schäfer. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1972, ISBN 3-534-03516-X , pp. 222-226.
  4. Ludwig Uhland (ed.): Old high and low German folk songs with treatise and notes. Volume 1: Song collection in five books. Department 2. Cotta, Stuttgart et al. 1845, No. 290, p. 750, 1st stanza, online .