Waldemar Bogenschneider

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Waldemar Bogenschneider (born February 12, 1932 in Magdeburg ) is a former functionary of the FDJ . From 1954 to 1963 he was a member of the People's Chamber of the GDR .


Bogenschneider was born into a working class family from Magdeburg. After attending primary school, which he finished in 1946, he initially earned his living as an unskilled worker until 1949. Then he saw in the newly established barracked People's Police readiness of the administration for training a possibility to secure a lucrative income. He volunteered to serve in the armed organs for three years . During this period of service, Bogenschneider joined the FDJ in 1950.

After his military service, he began an apprenticeship as a milling cutter at VEB Schwermaschinenbau Karl Liebknecht Magdeburg . Since he was also involved in the FDJ and the Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB), which he joined in 1953, in addition to his work , Bogenschneider was elected as a representative of this GDR-wide important industrial company with the mandate of the youth organization FDJ as a member of the People's Chamber. This parliamentary activity was previously associated with joining the SED . In 1955 he took over the post of FDJ secretary in his company . In 1957 he moved to the Standing Committee of the People's Chamber for the local people's representatives, where he also held a full-time position in the subsequent legislative period until 1961.

In the year the Wall was built, Bogenschneider was delegated to the Magdeburg District Party School for a year of training . After attending this school, he became an instructor for youth issues in the SED district leadership in Magdeburg in 1962. Especially after the cemented division of Germany from August 1961, the SED leadership took on great efforts to get young people in particular enthusiastic about their ideas. For some time this led to a very open climate for discussion between the youth and party officials. In July 1963, Walter Ulbricht appointed the former editor-in-chief of the FDJ student magazine Forum to head the youth commission of the SED Politburo. Subsequently, together with other youth functionaries, he developed the youth communique Der Jugend Trust and Responsibility . Based on this youth commission, youth commissions were also convened in the SED district leaderships, and Waldemar Bogenschneider took over the leadership in Magdeburg at the beginning of 1965.

After an interview with the SED central organ Neues Deutschland , in which statements were made like

"Some educators, teachers and business functionaries do not yet realize that they can only educate the house owners for the next ten, twenty or thirty years if they place high intellectual demands on themselves"

and other open expressions of opinion on the youth in the GDR at that time, who consisted not only of ardent socialists, it was obviously over with Bogenschneider's career. So far nothing is known about the further life of Bogenschneider.


  • Handbook of the People's Chamber of the German Democratic Republic, 3rd electoral period. Kongress-Verlag, Berlin 1959, p. 250f.

Individual evidence

  1. Our portrait: Waldemar Bogenschneider . In: Neues Deutschland , January 23, 1965, p. 10.
  2. Neues Deutschland, January 23, 1965, p. 10.