Waldemar Preussner

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Waldemar Preussner

Waldemar Preussner (born December 8, 1958 in Korfantów , Poland) is a German-Polish entrepreneur. He is the founder of the PCC group of companies and chairman of the board of directors of the PCC SE holding company based in Duisburg .


Preussner grew up as the son of parents of German origin in Upper Silesia . At the age of 17 he moved to Germany, took on German citizenship and did his Abitur here. After studying economics at Bielefeld University (1978–1984), he was deputy purchasing manager at Rütgers VTF AG (now Rütgers Germany GmbH) in Duisburg from 1984 to 1993 . There he was responsible for purchasing raw materials in Central and Eastern Europe. In 1993, Preussner and other former Rütgers employees founded Petro Carbo Chem Rohstoffhandelsgesellschaft mbH (now PCC Trade & Services GmbH) based in Duisburg-Homberg . From this company he developed the PCC Group in the following years, whose more than 80 holdings today employ around 3,500 people in 18 countries. Preussner is the sole shareholder of the group holding PCC SE and chairman of the administrative board.

In the course of the liberalization of the Eastern European markets, Preussner took part in a series of privatizations of Polish state-owned companies in the chemical and transport sector, which he gradually modernized and expanded through considerable investments. With the chemical companies PCC Rokita SA and PCC Exol SA and the logistics company PCC Intermodal SA , he placed three companies on the Warsaw Stock Exchange ; the latter was taken off the stock exchange in 2018 through a delisting. In addition to Germany and Central and Eastern Europe, Preussner is expanding internationally, particularly in the USA and Asia. In Iceland, he put a silicon metal production plant into operation in 2018, the construction of which was funded by the federal government because of its contribution to securing raw materials for German industry. The investment volume amounted to around 265 million euros.

Preussner is married and has three children.

Awards and social commitment

In 2009 Preussner was awarded the Polish-German Business Prize, which was then awarded for the first time. The Lower Silesian Political and Economic Forum honored him for special services in the development of economic cooperation between the two countries. Preusser is socially committed with PCC SE, among other things through the support of the association Together against Kälte Duisburg eV in helping homeless people and the aid organization AOHM Amani Orphans' Home Mbigili for AIDS orphans in Tanzania.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Alone with bonds to success , in: www.handelsblatt.com on January 3, 2006, accessed on March 1, 2016.
  2. a b PCC bonds are something for interest collectors , in: www.faz.net on June 2, 2006, accessed on March 2, 2017.
  3. a b PCC SE Annual Report 2013, p. 24, milestones in the company's history. (PDF; 6.0 MB) PCC SE, accessed on March 1, 2016 .
  4. a b c d PCC Group Annual Report 2018 (PDF; 10.5 MB) PCC SE, accessed on March 4, 2020 .
  5. PCC INTERMODAL (Resolution No. 913/2018). In: GPW Warsaw Stock Exchange. September 10, 2018, accessed March 4, 2020 .
  6. Icelandic dream factory , in: CHANCEN, KfW magazine for decision-makers, spring / summer 2016, p. 54. KfW, accessed on March 2, 2017.
  7. ^ Lower Silesian Political and Economic Forum 2009 - "Lower Silesia - the Land of Polish-German Reconciliation". In: wpn.pl. Retrieved March 4, 2020 (Polish).
  8. Duisburg: Aid for the homeless saves for a new medical vehicle. In: waz.de. January 27, 2020, accessed March 4, 2020 .
  9. Supporters , Amani Orphans Home Mbigili website , accessed March 2, 2017.