Forest man

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The forest man on the Iwein frescos at Rodenegg Castle

A wild person living in the forest was previously referred to as a forest man. In the case of children grown up individually under such circumstances, one speaks of so-called " wolf children ". In popular belief, there was also talk of the “ wild man ”. In Old Norse sagas they are mentioned in connection with berserkers , a type of Germanic warrior.

Modern examples

Ho Van Thanh and his son Lang: After his family's house in the village of Tra Kem in the central Vietnamese province of Quảng Ngãi was destroyed by a mine in 1973, he and his youngest son fled into the forest. There they seem to have fed on forest fruits and hunting and had primitive tools. He was 82 years old when he was discovered in August 2013. His son was clad only in a loincloth made from tree bark, could only speak a few words of the local language Cua and wanted to go back to the forest.


The literal meaning of Malay orangutan is forest man .

Individual evidence

  1. Forest Man. In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm (Hrsg.): German dictionary . tape 27 : W – way [twittering] -zwiesel - (XIII). S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1922 ( ).
  2. After the Vietnam War, father and son lived in the forest for 40 years. In: WAZ. August 8, 2013, accessed on August 12, 2013 (dpa).