Valentin Ferdinandowitsch Asmus

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Valentin Ferdinando Petrovich Asmus ( kyr. Валентин Фердинандович Асмус; born December 18 . Jul / the thirtieth December  1894 greg. In Kiev , † 4. June 1975 in Moscow ) was a Russian philosopher , logician and logic historian.


Valentin Asmus was born in Kiev and studied there until 1919 at the historical-philological faculty of St. Vladimir University . In 1939 he became a professor at Moscow State University (1939) and in 1968 a full member of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences .

He was one of the small group of Soviet philosophers who continued classical European philosophy in the USSR for the first ten years after the October Revolution. He was the author of one of the first textbooks on traditional logic entitled "Logic" which was published during the Soviet Union (1947).


  • Диалектика Канта и Логика (Kantian dialectic and logic) (1924)
  • Диалектика Канта (Kantian dialectic) (1930)
  • Логика (Logic) (1947)
  • Учение логика о доказатељстве и опровержении (1954)
  • Учение о непосредственном знании в истории философии нового времени (1955)
  • Декарт (Descartes) (1956)


  • NI Kondakov: Dictionary of Logic . VEB Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1978


  1. Biography Valentin Ferdinandowitsch Asmus on ; accessed on May 13, 2017 (Russian)
  2. David Bakhurst: Consciousness and Revolution in Soviet Philosophy: From the Bolsheviks to Evald Ilyenkov (Modern European Philosophy) ; Cambridge University Press 1991, p. 5. ISBN 0-521-40710-9

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