Valery Mikhailovich Sablin

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Valery Mikhailovich Sablin ( Russian Валерий Михайлович Саблин ; born January 1, 1939 in Leningrad , † August 3, 1976 in Moscow ) was a Soviet political officer with the rank of corvette captain .

In 1975, Sablin led a mutiny on the frigate Storoschewoi . The ship was placed in the Riga Bay by other Soviet warships and aircraft . Sablin was executed by shooting for high treason .

The Mutiny on the Soviet frigate Storozhevoy inspired the author Tom Clancy in the constitution of his novel The Hunt for Red October , the 1990 Sean Connery in the lead role filmed was.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Norman Polmar: The Naval Institute guide to the Soviet Navy. United States Naval Institute, 1991. page 75