Walrab from Boyneburg-Hohenstein

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Walrab I von Boyneburg-Hohenstein (* 1529; † July 27, 1572 ) was Lord of Jestädt . He was the son of Friedrich III. by Bemmelburg-Honstein and Marguerite de Mérode. His first marriage was Judith von Hundelshausen. The two son, Walrab II von Boineburg, was governor of Jever.

As a colonel he was in French service. After he left, he took up residence on the manor in Jestädt in 1557, and the property grew to an impressive size through the purchase of land and buildings. In 1561/62 he began building Jestädt Castle on the walls of a previous building. In 1564 he donated the baptismal font of the Jestädter church, on which his and his first wife's coat of arms can be seen.

His grave slab is now embedded in the chancel of the Jestädter Church.

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