Walter Esser

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Walter Esser (* 1944 ) was mayor of the city of Niederkassel from 1999 to 2009. In 2007 he received the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon .

Esser was a council member of the city of Niederkassel since 1979. In accordance with his training, Esser was primarily on the youth welfare committee and the school committee in the city council, which he chaired from 1983 to 1989. From 1989 to 1999 he was the honorary mayor of Niederkassel for ten years. He is the first “new kind” mayor in Niederkassel: after the elimination of the so-called “dual leadership”, consisting of an honorary mayor as representative and city director as head of administration, the full-time mayor has combined these two areas of responsibility in one person since 1999.

In the local elections on September 26, 2004, he was confirmed in office with 61.4 percent of the vote. Five years earlier he had been elected full-time mayor for the first time with 61.7 percent of the vote.

Since 2007, Esser has been the recipient of the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon, which was awarded to him by District Administrator Frithjof Kühn (CDU) on behalf of the Federal President.


Walter Esser is married and has two children. He is an avowed Catholic. Before being elected mayor, he pursued his profession as a primary and secondary school teacher, more closely as the rector of the Catholic primary school in Rheidt .

Esser was a founding member of the citizens' association for Lülsdorf and Ranzel as well as the bachelor association “Eintracht” Lülsdorf and took on board duties. Esser has also been chairman of the local Red Cross for 20 years . There he campaigned for the establishment and expansion of the medical and rescue service, the technical service and the water rescue service. The establishment of the DRK day care center can also be traced back to Esser's initiative.