Walter Lamar Scott

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Walter Lamar Scott (around 1985)

Walter Lamar Scott (* 1965 or 1966 ; † April 4, 2015 in North Charleston ) was a forklift driver who was shot by police officer Michael Slager.

The 50-year-old Scott was stopped by the then 33-year-old Slager at a traffic control because of a defective brake light. Since Scott had been under an arrest warrant for unpaid child support since 2013, he fled on foot. In 1986, Scott was dishonorably discharged from the United States Coast Guard for drug abuse . Slager followed Scott on foot. He hit Scott with a stun gun . As Scott continued to escape, Slager fired eight Glock pistol shots , five of which hit.

A witness video released to the media by a Black Lives Matter activist showed that there was no self-defense situation. Black Lives Matter conducted nationwide protests.

On April 7, 2015, Slager was charged with murder. He was under house arrest on bail until October 2016. In December 2016, the court case was declared invalid after only eleven of the twelve jurors voted guilty. In May 2017, Slager agreed to a settlement in criminal proceedings . He pleaded guilty, while in return the use of firearms was dropped. In December 2017, the responsible federal judge sentenced Slager to 20 years imprisonment for second degree murder . In 2018 he entered custody.

In 2015, the City of North Charleston agreed to a settlement to pay Scott's family $ 6.5 million.

Individual evidence

  1. George F. Cole, Christopher E. Smith, Christina DeJong: The American System of Criminal Justice, 2018, p. 425
  2. ^ Walter Scott: uncertainty over arrest warrant for thousands owed in child support. The Guardian, April 10, 2015, accessed June 6, 2020 .
  3. Walter Scott Funeral. Mourners Pay Respects to South Carolina Man Killed by Cop NBC News, April 12, 2015. Retrieved on June 6, 2020 (English).
  4. US Department of Justice: United States v. Slager Brief as Appellee. July 5, 2018, accessed June 6, 2020 .
  5. Melanie Eversley: Man who shot SC cell phone video speaks out. USA Today, April 9, 2015, accessed June 6, 2020 .
  6. Meg Kinnard: South Carolina police officer who shot dead unarmed black motorist should expect two decades in prison, says Judge. The Independant, December 7, 2017, accessed June 6, 2020 .
  7. Catherine E. Shoichet, Chandler Friedman: Walter Scott case: Michael Slager released from jail after posting bond. CNN, January 5, 2016, accessed June 6, 2020 .
  8. ^ Alan Pyke: Killer cop Michael Slager sentenced to 20 years in prison for killing Walter Scott. ThinkProgress, December 7, 2017, accessed June 6, 2020 .
  9. ^ Andrew Knapp: Ex-policeman Michael Slager serving time at Colorado prison with Blagojevich, Jared Fogle. The Post And Courier, February 9, 2018, accessed June 6, 2020 .