Walter Morse hype

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Walter Morse Rummel (born July 19, 1887 in Berlin ; † May 2, 1953 in Bordeaux ) was a pianist and composer with US and German citizenship.


Rummel was the son of the German pianist Franz Rummel (1853-1901) and the American Cornelia ("Leila") Livingston Morse, a daughter of the inventor and painter Samuel FB Morse . After the early death of his father, who was also his piano teacher, he continued his education at the instigation of his mother in Washington, DC with Samuel Monroe Fabian (1859-1921). In 1904 he returned to Berlin, where he continued his musical training with Leopold Godowsky (piano) and Hugo Kaun (composition). After his first appearances in Berlin, he moved to Paris in 1909 , where he kept in close contact with Claude Debussy and frequently performed his works. In the 1920s and 1930s Rummel performed very successfully in Europe, North Africa and South America.

After the German occupation of Belgium, Rummel fled to Portugal, but returned soon afterwards, renewed his US passport and gave concerts in Germany and the occupied territories. Although Rummel was not a member of the NSDAP , outside of Germany, including the United States, he was seen as a propagandist for National Socialism . According to Oliver Rathkolb, Rummel's name was on the so-called God-gifted list of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda .

After the end of the war, Rummel moved from Berlin to France, where he lived until his death.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Charles Timbrell: Claude Debussy and Walter Rummel: Chronicle of a Friendship, with New Correspondence. In: Music & Letters, Vol. 73, No. 3 (Aug. 1992), 399-406
  2. ^ Arthur Hartmann: Claude Debussy as I Knew Him "and Other Writings. University Rochester Press, 2003, ISBN 978-1-58046-104-7 .
  3. a b c Naxos: biography of Walter Morse Rummel
  4. ^ Charles Timbrell: Prince of Virtuosos: A Life of Walter Rummel. P. 146.
  5. biography of Walter Morse Rummel at
  6. Names with Oliver Rathkolb: Faithful to the Führer and god-gifted. Artist elite in the Third Reich. Austrian Federal Publishing House Vienna 1991.