Andreas Herter

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Andreas Herter (born October 20, 1954 in Hanover ) is a German psychotherapist and sex medicine specialist who works as a clinician in his own practice and as a science journalist for print, TV and radio media. He is also active as a reviewer and university lecturer.


Andreas Herter studied psychology, psychotherapy and sexual medicine in Braunschweig, Tübingen and Hanover and graduated as a psychotherapist and supervisor for behavioral therapy and sexual medicine. In 1982 he founded the practice for behavior therapy in Hanover and the Club Blaues Krokodil e. V. non-profit association for the prevention of criminal recurrence in road traffic. In 1986 he was awarded the silver medal by the Academy for Road Safety for this commitment.

In 1992 he received teaching assignments - among others at the Bundeswehr technical school and the MHH - as well as assignments as a court expert for asylum law, aptitude to drive, and criminal law. Since then he has been working as a commentator and studio expert at NDR , SAT 1 , RTL , NBC , Giga , Antenne Niedersachsen , MDR , Radio Regenbogen and his own broadcast on radio ffn .

In the print media Bild , HAZ and NP he publishes the weekly column: Psych "O" logisch. In addition, publications appeared scientifically and belletristically (here under the pseudonym von der Ohe-Herter).

In 1997 he was the producer and author of the musical Die Reise nach Lukanico as a radio play and stage play with a tour through Germany. Herter was a text author for Peter Petrel and Regina Thoss, among others .

In 2012 he was awarded the Tulifurnum Prize for special social commitment in the Hanover area.


  • 2001 - Co-author of the basic scientific work Sexualmedizin Beier et al. (Urban and Fischer publishing house).
  • 2003 - Andreas Herter: Sex is not a competitive sport . Schlütersche , Hannover 2003, ISBN 3-89993-500-4 .
  • 2004 - Studies on SMS addiction with numerous publications and initiation of the study on postprandial psychosyndrome.
  • 2009–2011 - Analysis of the study with the publication Das Postprandiale Psychosyndrom.
  • 2011 - Publication of the book My Applause to Life - under a pseudonym.
  • 2014 - Publication The strongest emotion is death, and therefore it takes a lifetime to prepare for it.