Walther Nibbe

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Walther Nibbe (born August 31, 1900 - † December 9, 1954 ) was a German party functionary ( NSDAP ) and paramilitary activist, most recently with the rank of SA group leader.


Nibbe joined the NSDAP and the Sturmabteilung (SA) in 1930 . In the latter, he made a career as a functionary: On April 10, 1938, he took over the post of head of the Office of "Organization and Operation" at the Supreme SA leadership in Munich. In this position he organized, among other things, the SA deployment at the 1938 Nazi Party Congress.

In 1944 Nibbe took over the management of the SA group Südmark with its headquarters in Graz and in 1945 the management of the SA group Pomerania.


  • SA Oberführer: 1931
  • SA Brigade Leader: April 10, 1938
  • SA group leader: 1939


  • Constantin Goschler (ed.): Adolf Hitler. Speeches, writings, orders: February 1925 to January 1933. From the Reichstag election to the presidential election October 1930-March 1932. October 1930-June 1931 , 1994, p. 45.