Vasily Michailowitsch Skworzow

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Wassili Michailowitsch Skworzow ( Russian Василий Михайлович Скворцов , scientific transliteration Vasilij Michajlovič Skvorcov ; * 1859 ; † 1932 ) was a Russian theologian born into a priestly family . He completed his studies at the Kiev Spiritual Academy . He was the head of the Internal Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church . The orthodox magazine Missionerskoe obozrenie (1896-1917) and the church political daily Kolokol (1905-1917), which was considered the official organ of the Holy Synod , was published by him. Skworzow taught at the Sarajevo seminar in Yugoslavia.


  • "О штундизме и о мерах борьбы с сектою" (“On stundism and measures to combat the sect”) (1895)
  • "О тарусских хлыстах" (“About the Chlysten of Tarussa ”) (1896)
  • "Правда о закавказской духоборческой секте" (“The Truth About the Transcaucasian Duchoborzen Sect”) (Kiev 1898)
  • "Староскопчество как секта и обличение ее заблуждений" (“The castration sect of the Skopzen and an exposition of their errors”) (St. Petersburg 1899)
  • "Духоборы в Америке и граф Л.Н. Толстой" (“The Duchoborzen in America and Count LN Tolstoy ”) (St. Petersburg 1900)
  • "Миссионерский Спутник" (“Missionary Companion”) (St. Petersburg, 1899; April 2, 1904).

See also

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