White collar lemur

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White collar lemur
Order : Primates (Primates)
Subordination : Wet-nose primates (Strepsirrhini)
Partial order : Lemurs (Lemuriformes)
Family : Common Makis (Lemuridae)
Genre : Great Makis ( Eulemur )
Type : White collar lemur
Scientific name
Eulemur cinereiceps
( A. Grandidier & Milne-Edwards , 1890)

The white-collar lemur ( Eulemur cinereiceps , syn .: Eulemur albocollaris ) is a primate species from the group of lemurs (Lemuriformes).


White-collar lemurs reach a body length of 39 to 40 centimeters, plus a 50 to 55 centimeter long tail. The weight is 2 to 2.5 kilograms. Like most other Great Makis , they show a distinct gender dichromatism , which means that males and females are colored differently. The males are colored gray-brown on the back, the tail and the hind legs are a little darker, the belly is light gray. The head and face are also gray, the muzzle is elongated. The name-giving feature are the white cheek and whiskers, which are extremely bushy. In the females, the fur is reddish, on the back it is reddish brown and on the belly light brown. red-brown colored. The head and face are gray, the cheek and whiskers are reddish-brown in color and less bushy than that of the males.

distribution and habitat

White-collar lemurs are native to Madagascar , where they inhabit a small area in the southeast of the island. Their distribution area, which only covers around 700 km², lies between the Manampatrana and Mananara rivers. Their habitat are rainforests, they occur up to 1500 meters above sea level.

Way of life

These primates are cathemeral , which means they can be active both day and night. They are tree dwellers who mainly live in the upper tree regions and rarely come to the ground. In the branches they move four-legged or jump. They live in relatively large groups of several males, females and the common young animals. Their diet consists mainly of fruits, but they also eat leaves, flowers, mushrooms and sometimes invertebrates.


The main threat to the white-collar lemurs is the destruction of their habitat through deforestation, as well as hunting. Because of their small circulation area and a continued decline in the overall population, the lists IUCN the species as ( "high risk" endangered ).


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