Wellness trainer

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Wellness trainer is a job title for professionals in the wellness industry . For example, you work in wellness hotels, fitness studios , sauna facilities or independently . The job title is not protected by law, there is no fixed job description and no prescribed training content. The qualifications of wellness trainers are therefore very different. Some of these are physiotherapists , gymnastics teachers, beauticians, nutritionists or psychologists who have completed further training, the scope of which can vary widely. However, there are also lateral entrants from completely different industries without special knowledge of the health and wellness sector.

In larger facilities such as hotels, thermal baths or fitness studios, wellness trainers usually have the task of putting together a wellness program for guests, determining their physical fitness and providing advice on questions about nutrition and health. Sometimes they also teach relaxation techniques . Independent wellness trainers offer seminars or work as individual coaches with clients. Medical or therapeutic applications are generally not part of the tasks of such a trainer.

In Germany, the German Wellness Association strives for minimum standards for training and specifies criteria for the selection of training institutes. Only a few require a professional qualification in a health profession. The offer ranges from a few weekends to pure distance learning to two-year courses with practical training. The IHK offers a 90-hour course to become a wellness consultant. However, this is only a qualification for advising customers in hotels or wellness facilities; there is no practical training. According to Stiftung Warentest, the prices for the courses range from around 750 to around 16,000 euros.


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