When it's Christmas

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When Christmas is there is a German-language Christmas carol . It is usually given as a " folk song " in song books .


The song has been known since at least 1915, as it was quoted that year by Paul Keller in his novel Ferien vom Ich . The first stanza is "old folk property", the author of which is not known.

Nutcracker, Olbernhau rider and gingerbread woman: Landmarks of the city of Olbernhau .

Further stanzas were added several times, including a. before 1922 a well-known version with four further stanzas by Kurt Arnold Findeisen . In the fourth stanza there is a "gingerbread woman [...] with her husband from Olbernhau ". It is said to have been designed by Findeisen based on the real model of peddlers who went from house to house to sell gingerbread until the middle of the 20th century . In 1935, larger-than-life wooden figures of the gingerbread woman as well as the Olbernhauer rider and a nutcracker were created by three craftsmen and exhibited in the Erzgebirgsschau in the manor . Since 1951, these figures have been set up annually at Christmas time on the Olbernhauer market square and have since been considered a symbol of the town in the Ore Mountains.

The melody of the song shows similarities with the bridal choir “Wir winden dir den Jungfernkranz” from the opera Der Freischütz (1821) by Carl Maria von Weber and may have been based on this composition.

The onomatopoeic referencing of the hoped-for Christmas gifts as “Moo” (for cow ), “Mäh” (for sheep ) and “Tatärätä” (for trumpet ) is shared by the song with the Christmas hit Eine Muh, eine Mäh (1912) by Wilhelm Lindemann to which the song is often coupled as a medley . Roland Heck and Gerd Köthe created a well-known medley version in the 1970s. a. was sung by Costa Cordalis (1977) and Paola (1981).

Franz Biebl (1906–2001) composed several choral movements for the song.

Melody and lyrics

The melody has been handed down in different variants. Here is a popular melody version:

\ relative g '{\ key g \ major \ time 4/4 \ partial 4 \ autoBeamOff d |  g g8 a b4 d, |  g g8 a b4 b |  a4.  b8 a [g] f sharp [e] |  d4 f sharp8 [e] d4 d8 d |  c 'c16 c c8 c e4 d8 c |  b b16 b b8 b d4 c8 b |  a8.  a16 a8 accba |  g8.  a16 b8 c d4 b8 b c c16 c c8 c e4 d8 c |  b b16 b b8 b d4 c8 b |  a8.  a16 a8 accba |  g8.  g16 g8 g g4 \ bar "|."  } \ addlyrics {When it is consecrated, when it is consecrated, the holy Christian appeals to us.  And there we get a moo, and there we get a moo, yes there we get the all - beautiful - best Tschin - te - rä - ta - ta, and there we get a moo, and there we get a moo, yes there we get all of them - nice - - ste Tschin - te - rä - ta - ta.  }


When it is Christmas, when it is Christmas,
the Holy Christian gives us.
And then we get a moo,
and then we get a muh,
yes we get the most beautiful perpetrator,
and there we get a moo,
and there we get a muh,
yes we get the most beautiful perpetrator.

Another (and possibly older?) Melody version is based even more on the original by Carl Maria von Weber:

\ relative g '{\ key g \ major \ time 4/4 \ partial 4 \ autoBeamOff d |  g g8 a b4 d, |  g g8 a b4 b |  a4.  b8 a [g] f sharp [e] |  d4 f sharp8 e d4 d |  g8.  g16 g8 a b4 d, |  g8.  g16 g8 a b4 b |  a4.  b8 a [g] f sharp [e] |  d8.  d16 f sharp8 e d2 |  g2 b |  db |  a8.  g16 f sharp8 g a4 b |  ge 'd2 |  g, 2 b |  db |  a8.  g16 f sharp8 g a4 b |  g2.  \ bar "|."  } \ addlyrics {When it is consecrated, when it is consecrated, the holy Christian comes to us, he brings a moo, there he brings a mow, and a nice Tsching - te - rä - ta - ta.  Christmas, Christmas, Christmas is a beautiful festival, ei - a!  Christmas, Christmas, Christmas is a wonderful celebration.  }


Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Naumann (Ed.): Wonderful Christmas time. The most beautiful songs, poems, rhymes, stories, recipes and handicrafts for Christmas time. Lingen, Cologne 1979, DNB 830308040 , p. 188.
  2. Klaus Langer (Ed.): The bells never ring sweeter. Songs, texts, stories, poems, recipes and handicraft suggestions for the Christmas season. Lingen, Cologne 1984, DNB 850730163 , p. 64.
  3. ^ A b Friedrich Haarhaus: Every year again. The big book of Advent and Christmas carols. St. Benno, Leipzig 2013, ISBN 978-3-7462-3798-5 , p. 147.
  4. Paul Keller : Holidays from the self. Novel. Bergstadtverlag Wilhelm Gottlieb Korn, Breslau et al. 1915 ( limited preview in the Google book search; online in the Gutenberg-DE project )
  5. a b c Kurt Arnold Findeisen : When Christmas is. Poems and stories. Cover drawing by Alfred Hofmann (= Munich reading sheet No. 117). Münchner Buchverlag, Munich undated [1942], p. 2.
  6. a b When Christmas is at deutscheslied.com
  7. ^ Kurt Arnold Findeisen: Country of ancestors: Ballads, Romances, Legends. Oscar Laube, Dresden 1922, p. 21 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  8. ^ The Blue Flower: Journal of the Romantic Community for the Care of Romanticism , Volume 3, Issue 3, 1927, p. 219 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  9. ^ Kurt Arnold Findeisen , erzgebirgsverein.de, accessed on July 26, 2015
  10. Karl-Heinz Melzer: Pfefferkuchenfrau reminds of tradition. In: Freie Presse , Marienberger Zeitung, December 19, 2011, p. 10 ( online , subscription access).
  11. ^ KH Müller: Our main street. People, impressions, episodes from 1938 . In: Saydaer Amts- und Heimatblatt 06/2008, pp. 19–20, online ( memo from November 22, 2014).
  12. Olbernhauer Reiterlein, Pfefferkuchenfrau and Nutcracker , accessed on July 27, 2015
  13. ^ Walter Fellmann: Saxony: Culture and landscape between Vogtland and Upper Lusatia, Leipzig lowlands and the Erzgebirge (DuMont art travel guide). DuMont Reiseverlag, 1997, ISBN 3-7701-4093-1 , p. 354 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  14. a b When it's Christmas , folk tune / Traditional after Carl Maria von Weber (PDF, 10 KB).
  15. This leaves a formation in the environment Altberliner Gassenhauer think, often by Neutextierung of by organ grinders created widespread opera and operetta melodies. Compare: Lukas Richter (ed.): Mother, the man with the coke is here. Berlin hit songs - with notes. VEB Deutscher Verlag für Musik, Leipzig 1977, pp. 140–148 u. 177 f. However, no connection can currently be proven.
  16. ^ Costa Cordalis: Christmas in Germany. CBS 1977, DNB 353399477 .
  17. Merry Christmas. Paola and the Trixis sing their most beautiful Christmas carols. CBS 1981, DNB 353800309 .
  18. Franz Biebl: When it's Christmas. For three-part female choir. Koester, Hagen 1983, DNB 350014337 . Franz Biebl: When it's Christmas. For mixed choir. schmidmusic, Weil der Stadt 1989 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  19. Hildegard Meyberg (ed.): Let's sing in the Christmas season: songs and canons. Auer, Donauwörth 1985, ISBN 3-403-01602-1 , p. 245. Citation there: “From the Christmas album by Otto Fröhlich”.
    Similar in: Wilhelm Lutz (Hrsg.): Merry Christmas (Edition Schott 4006). Schott, Mainz 1946, DNB 1004223390 , p. 30; Adalbert Schalin (Ed.): Holy Night (AV 5666). Apollo, Berlin o. J. [1955], DNB 999860089 , p. 4; Eduard Pütz (Ed.): Golden Christmas (EM 2406). Gerig, Cologne 1975, DNB 353983845 , p. 98 f .; Stefan Gros, Christoph Heimbucher, Berthold Kloss (eds.): The Christmas song bear. Bärenreiter, Kassel 2007, ISBN 978-3-7618-7779-1 , p. 212 f.
  20. Siegfried Köhler (Ed.): When Christmas is (= EB 5872). Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig 1957, DNB 1003695035 , p. 8.