If you don't ask, you die stupid!

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Television series
German title If you don't ask, you die stupid!
Original title Tu mourras moins bête
Country of production France
original language French
Year (s) Since 2015
Episodes 99 in 3 seasons
Director Amandine Fredon ,
Emilie Sengelin
idea Marion Montaigne
script Marion Montaigne
Arnold Boiseau
Emilie Sengelin
production Arnaud Colinart
Jacques-Rémy Girerd
music Alexis Pecharman
cut Hervé Guichard

Who doesn't ask, dies stupid! is a French series by ARTE . The animation series is based on the blog Tu mourras moins bête by French comic artist Marion Montaigne .

The third season for March 3, 2020 was announced on the ARTE Germany YouTube channel.


In the stories, the omniscient Professor Mustache finds answers to curious questions from the world of science.

Voice actor

The synchronous work is carried out by Christa Kistner Synchronproduktion , the dialogue direction is carried out by Olaf Mierau .

speaker Voice actor role
François Morel Michael Pan Professor Mustache

Episode list

episode Season episode German title French title
1 1 1 immunology L'immunology
2 1 2 Darling, I've shrunk the kids Chérie, j'veux rétrécir les gosses
3 1 3 Fear of flying La peur en avio
4th 1 4th When do lightsabers go into production? À quand le saber laser?
5 1 5 The jump from the Golden Gate Bridge Le saut du Golden Gate
6th 1 6th Swallow a spider while sleeping Avaler une araignée en dormant
7th 1 7th The head transplant Greffer une tête sur un corps
8th 1 8th Make yourself invisible Petite leçon d'hobbitologie
9 1 9 My girlfriend loves a pony Ma copine veut épouser un poney
10 1 10 The Higgs boson Le boson de Higgs, quèsaco?
11 1 11 Cryopreservation La cryogénisation c'est pour quand?
12 1 12 Animal behavior research L'ophtalmologie chez les animaux
13 1 13 Small armory Aux armes, etc.
14th 1 14th How does a nuclear power plant work? Comment ça marche une centrale nucléaire?
15th 1 15th Ingenious scientists Études scientifiques improbables
16 1 16 Effects of alcohol L'alcool c'est bon, mais pas pour la santé
17th 1 17th With the elevator into space? L'ascenseur spatial, c'est pour quand?
18th 1 18th Traveling like the aliens? Quand pourrons-nous voyager comme dans "Alien"?
19th 1 19th What is a near death experience? C'est quoi une "Near Death Experience"?
20th 1 20th Do gunshot wounds hurt? Blessures par balles, ça fait mal?
21st 1 21st Why do we dream À quoi servent les rêves?
22nd 1 22nd Why are young people so limp? Pouquoi les ados sont-ils mous?
23 1 23 When is there a terminator? Terminator, c'est pour quand?
24 1 24 Not without my mites! Jamais sans mes acariens!
25th 1 25th The stubborn fats Perdre son gras, pas une mince affaire!
26th 1 26th Animals do it like animals Les animaux s'aiment comme des bêtes
27 1 27 Dog food test Pâtée pour chiens
28 1 28 Overworked geniuses Les chercheurs surmenés
29 1 29 Did the dinosaurs have feathers? Les dinosaures avaient-ils des plumes?
30th 1 30th Sex life in humans and monkeys Evolution of sexual de l'homme
31 2 1 A question of the brain Le cerveau de Lucy
32 2 2 Placenta cannibalism Placentophagy
33 2 3 Your friend and helper The nudges in the films
34 2 4th Blown by the wind Autant en emporte le vent
35 2 5 Darth Vader Melancholia La dreary vie de Darth Vader
36 2 6th Stodgy Peut-on être digéré vivant?
37 2 7th Hell: these are the others La foule: l'enfer, c'est les autres
38 2 8th Risk of wetlands Les lunettes de la peur
39 2 9 Astrophysics or The End of the World Astrophysicien, c'est bien
40 2 10 Journey to the Center of the Earth Voyage au center de la Terre
41 2 11 Corrupted animals Animaux dépravés
42 2 12 Freudian phases Stades of joy
43 2 13 Space frenzy Slide spatiale
44 2 14th Gandalf's case study La science gandalphique
45 2 15th Acne vulgaris dermatology
46 2 16 How did the dinosaurs do it? L'amour jurassique
47 2 17th Deceptive memory Comment fonctionne la mémoire des visages?
48 2 18th Baumgartner's super cruise Felix Baumgartner franchit le mur du son
49 2 19th The problem with gravity Vol parabolique
50 2 20th Heroes in the operating room Les séries médicales à la télé
51 2 21st Men in public toilets Des urinoirs et des hommes
52 2 22nd Teleportation Teleportation
53 2 23 Who wants to be beautiful must suffer La cosmétique
54 2 24 Hapless scientists Les scientifiques malchanceux
55 2 25th How do face transplants work? Greffe de visages
56 2 26th Darwin's real story Darwin
57 2 27 Small vaccination customer Vaccinology
58 2 28 Are time travel conceivable? Voyage in the temps
59 2 29 Crash tests La biomécanique
60 2 30th What to do with a dead astronaut? Que faire d'un cadavre spatial?
61 2 31 Irradiated superheroes S'irradier au ciné
62 2 32 The scrotum Briller en société avec le plexus coeliaque
63 2 33 What does a forensic entomologist do? Entomology forensique
64 2 34 Why do babies drool? La bave
65 2 35 Turbulence Les turbulences
66 2 36 The Donald Trump fossil Comment devenir un beau fossile?
67 2 37 Can you breathe underwater? Respirer sous l'eau
68 2 38 Animal facial expressions Expression des animaux
69 2 39 Totally doped Tous dopés
70 2 40 Gay animals Les animaux gays
71 3 1 Corn on mars? Incompétence interstellaire
72 3 2 Ancient anatomy Anatomy antique
73 3 3 What is a narcissistic pervert? Perverted narcissique
74 3 4th Fruit fly blues Blues de mouche
75 3 5 Future according to Tom Cruise Le futur selon Tom Cruise
76 3 6th What is fecal therapy? Neurones gastriques
77 3 7th Challenge for Santa Claus La physique du Père Noël
78 3 8th Erection for ladies? Le désir féminin
79 3 9 How does menstruation work? 28 jours plus tard
80 3 10 How does an erection come about? Zobology
81 3 11 Are there also letter ravens? Corbeaux voyageurs
82 3 12 What is an Ig Nobel Prize? Les Ig Nobels
83 3 13 Why are there no parachutes in passenger planes? Des parachutes!
84 3 14th Busy like a bee? La paresse
85 3 15th What does passive-aggressive mean? Passif-aggressive
86 3 16 How big is a clitoris? Le mystère de la room rose
87 3 17th The real face of great researchers Psychiatry des èrudits
88 3 18th How can Iron Man survive in his armor? Iron cardiology
89 3 19th Can you clone dinosaurs? Cloner of the dinosaur
90 3 20th Why isn't everyone photogenic? La non-photogénie
91 3 21st How credible are doctor series? Séries médicales, encore
92 3 22nd Can you just sort out bad genes? La Génétique facile
93 3 23 Do autopilots rule the world? Pilot automatique
94 3 24 Science punks Scientifiques punks
95 3 25th Can genes be exchanged between humans and animals? Transfer de gène
96 3 26th Nuclear test with goat Chèvre atomique
97 3 27 What are pseudosciences? Pseudosciences
98 3 28 How does a scientific congress go? Congrès scientifique
99 3 29 What is a blob anyway? Le Blob
100 3 30th How does schadenfreude come about? Se réjouir du malheur d'autrui


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.synchronkartei.de/serie/40780