Vera Viktorovna Timanova

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Photography, 1926

Vera Viktorovna Timanowa ( Russian Вера Викторовна Тиманова in Germany also known as Vera Timanoff ; born February 6 . Jul / 18th February  1855 greg. In Ufa , † 22 February 1942 in Leningrad ) was a Russian pianist .


Timanowa received her first musical training in Ufa with L. Nowitzky, and she performed publicly as a pianist at the age of nine. She studied with Anton Rubinstein and then with Carl Tausig in Berlin and was a student of Franz Liszt in Weimar . She made her debut in London in 1880 at the Covent Garden concerts, followed by six more concerts. On July 1, 1907, she played fourteen pieces on piano rolls for the Freiburg company M. Welte & Sons , manufacturer of the Welte-Mignon reproduction pianoa. After a career in Western Europe, she returned to Russia in 1907. Her last public appearance at the age of 82 was in 1937. Vera Timanova starved to death during the Leningrad blockade .

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