Athens workshop 706

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Attic-Late Geometric jug probably from the workshop of Athens 706, around 735–720 BC. On the neck, on the shoulder and under the handle stylized water birds. Collection of Antiquities at the University of Giessen

The workshop of Athens 706 is an Attic - late Geometric ceramic workshop that dates back to the last third of the 8th century BC. Is dated.

The workshop of Athens 706 stands at the transition from the late geometric SG-I to the SG-II phase. The workshop mainly produced jugs and squat amphorae with rounded bodies. The animals depicted appear starved and degenerated. The wolf tooth ornament in the upper row consisted of small triangles that were hatched in only one row, in the lower row they were large and cross-hatched.


Web links

Commons : Workshop of Athens 706  - Collection of images, videos and audio files